My itty bitty newborn baby, Isabella Juliet, just turned one year old yesterday. Everyone warned me that time goes faster as soon as you have kids, but I never could have imagined just how true that would be. I frequently reflect on my pregnancy with her, her delivery, her infancy -- all of which were as easy and pleasant as I could have dreamed. The thing is, when the twins were infants, I remember looking foward to their first birthday. It was as much of a celebration for me as it was for them (maybe even more). Don't get me wrong, I adored Gabe and Ari as babies too, but they were just... harder. With Bella, I wanted to keep her young forever. Jake and I still aren't sure if we'll have another child, so the possibility that she may be my last baby, in addition to the sweet joy she brings to our lives, makes me want to cling to her chubby little bod for dear life and never let her grow up. But I know that all I can do is to enjoy each day with her and try to remember every little detail of her; of each of my children. This is why I keep my blog.

I love this girl so much. She is so cool just like her Daddy, yet she's still fiesty and spunky like her Mommy. She is observant, and she can pick up on anything -- norms, rules, humor; but she cherry-picks what she wants and doesn't want to mind. She will consistently and reverently fold her arms during family prayer without being reminded, but she refuses to stay away from the dog food no matter how many times I ask. She is serious much of the time, but when she's amused, does she ever bust a gut laughing (and it's the most adorable laugh ever -- same as Ari's). She loves to create her own adventures (she'll climb anything and wind up in some seriously strange places), but if Daddy tries to toss her, she gets scared (of heights!) and will purse her lips and repeatedly make an "oooh, oooh, oooh" sound. She loves to eat and will sit through very long meals, which makes me such a happy mama, but she will wriggle away within seconds during a diaper change or getting her clothes changed. She loves her brother and sister, and they love her too. But then again, who wouldn't adore this girl?
ooh la la!
starting off cautiously...
what is this magic food?
it's beginning to sink in :)
quite pleased with this moment
yay Bella!
Of course, Bella was not alone in her cupcake experience -- Ari and Gabe were happy to toast her birthday with one of their own.

Yesterday, Isabella received several calls from loved ones wishing her a happy birthday, and she got to eat not one, but two cupcakes! She has never had a taste of pure sugar before this, so her reaction was priceless (at least to me, her mom). We are not yet finished celebrating her birthday, as we'll be having her party the week after we get back from Disneyland.