This year was a "Taylor Christmas". This usually means that all of Jake's sisters, brothers, and our families make our best effort to get together for the holiday and spend all kinds of quality time for several days uninterrupted. This year was, maybe, the best Taylor Christmas we've had since we all started having kids... and possibly ever. We were joined at Grammy & Papa's house by Ryan & Chantelle, Ali & Darren, and their children. The kids all had so much fun making messes, playing games, riding trikes outside, helping Papa in his shop, watching movies, and acting out a Nativity scene... not to mention, playing with their copious amounts of gifts. Gabe fit right in with his cousins Vance (3), Trevor (4), and Brayden (5), and didn't want to let them out of his sight the entire time. Ari was so excited about loving her baby girl cousins, Madison (10 months) & Kendrick (6 months), and she chased the crowds of kids from room to room with her speedy belly crawl. Isabella charmed the pants off of everyone as usual, and never failed to wreck havoc wherever possible. When all the children were sleeping, the mommies and daddies played Boggle & Cranium, racquetball, did a White Elephant exchange, and played a boisterous round of the Newlywed Game (which Jake and I "unofficially" won).
The kids got to open their Santa gifts several days before we left, so we wouldn't have to lug the loot to and from Holbrook, and they were none the wiser for it. Highlights included kitchen food and pots & pans, art supplies (finger paints, play dough, paints & brushes, crayons, markers), a 50 pc. musical instrument set, Cars matchbox cars, a Leapfrog Text n Learn, Mrs. Potato Head, a football, & more.

Bella evidently decided to help clean up one of her messes.
GRAMMY & PAPA TAYLOR'S HOUSE Gabe is ready to go help Papa start up the furnace in his shop.
CHRISTMAS EVE making gingerbread houses with the cousins
Ari had to have her gingerbread house taken away when we realized that all her decorative candies had been eaten...
True to form Bella.

Naughty little elf.
Watching movies on Grammy & Papa's bed with Brayden & Trevor.
Ari's favorite thing to do is make music. She especially loves the piano, and she's really good at it too!
Look at her play! And don't you just love how she's sitting too? I'm so proud of this girl.
The BOYS! Trevor, Brayden, Gabe & Vance.
The GIRLS! Isabella, Kendrick, Madison, & Ariana
Christmas Eve Nativity reenactment. Ariana was Mary, Gabe was one of the three wise men, and Isabella was the angel sent from God.
Angel without a halo...

time to open presents!
my musical Ari
oh, great.
Don't point that at people Gabe...
because this is what happens!
Bella loves her sit n' spin.