The main purpose of this little trip was to get Ari her second round of stem cells. The mission was completed successfully (albiet not without snags), but it’s over and we’re in waiting mode again. Tomorrow will mark two weeks since Stem Cell Therapy, which is still kind of early to see any major results, but Ari has already started jabbering more. Last round (in February 2010), the talking was the first thing to show up, but it was also one of the few things to taper off completely too, so I’m not letting myself get too excited about it. The good parts are still to come *fingers crossed*.
On Friday (the day after stem cells), it was cloudy and kind of lousy as far as San Diego weather goes. It wasn’t so optimal a day for the beach, so we opted to go to the San Diego Zoo instead. Neither Jake nor I had ever been, so it was a wonderful new experience for all of us.
I have never seen such a beautiful zoo – it was exactly like it was described on Madagascar: “Sandy beaches, cleverly simulated natural environment, wide-open enclosures,” not to mention the plethora of green that seemed to blanket the entire grounds. Green vegetation is a thing of wonder when you live in the desert.
We took a tour bus around the zoo so we could cover more ground. The animals were a real hit with Gabriel and Isabella. Ariana started out terrified of anything that moved, but when the bear decided to take a dump in front of us, she changed her mind about him and quickly deemed him to be hilarious and loveable.
The kids got to miss their nap for our zoo trip, so Bella decided to lay down for the last hour or so and recoup in the Radio Flyer. She’d get up and run around every once in a while and then dive head first back into the wagon to “rest”.