Friday, March 30, 2012

Baby Steps

A couple months ago, Ari scored some cool new gear.  After a long while of hoping things would work out and jumping through many hoops (qualifying and getting funding for new equipment can be a maze, to say the least), Ari was lucky enough to get just the right kind of leg orthotics that she needed.  Ari got a new pair of SMOs, dynamic AFOs, and a SWASH.  Ari also got a shiny new posterior walker that she can use independently one day in the (hopefully) near future.  The SMOs and AFOs are generally to keep her feet and ankles in the correct, supported positioning while she is upright.  The dynamic AFOs, in particular, provide some extra correction for walking.  The SWASH is designed to keep Ari’s legs separated enough so that her leg scissoring doesn’t interfere with taking steps (she doesn’t cross her legs when she walks).

Recently, we’ve been so fortunate that our wonderful PT, Tammy, has been coming to our house to do Ari’s sessions.  In their sessions, Ari has been getting to practice walking up and down the hall with Tammy providing upper body support.  We use motivators such as Ari’s favorite toys, her Leapfrog Tag Reader or her Ipad.  In this case, Gabe managed to make a bead necklace look exciting enough to get her to move her feet.

Look at that determination!  This little sweet will not stop at anything until she’s reached her goal.  That’s my girl!

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Savoring success :).

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We’re really happy to finally have Ari up and moving.  I am so proud of her.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ambassador Ari

This is Ari’s third time being an ambassador for a good cause (other than her own Hope For Ari campaign).  Right now, she is one of the ambassadors for Southwest Human Development’s “Walk With Me” walk-a-thon, which will raise funds to provide valuable programs for people with disabilities, like Ari.  Here is her most recent Fox 10 News PSA.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Kitchen Play

This is what we do after dinner.  I think it’s pretty adorable – but then again, I am biased.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ari & Gabe’s Star Wars Birthday Party

This year, I was getting ready to throw separate birthday parties for Gabe and Ari, because I was planning on their interests being so different that it wouldn’t make sense to combine.  Fortunately, though, Ariana surprised me by falling almost as much in love with Star Wars as Gabe is!  I always catch that little girl sneaking into Gabe’s room and flipping through his Star Wars books (especially his character encyclopedia) and trying to play with his Star Wars Lego table.  She goes absolutely bananas with glee when she hears the theme music to the movie on Jake’s phone.  The twin cosmos must have aligned for me again, because as we all know, Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia were twins as well.

With the exception that all three of my kids were sick with a nasty cold and cough, I would say the party was a big hit.  They are still talking about it to this day :).


Gabriel and Ariana's Galaxy Friends Invitation-5x7


The menu consisted of Star Wars Sandwiches, Jar Jar Links in a Blanket, Leia’s Buns, a Storm Trooper Cheese Ball, Dagobah Dip and Trooper Scoopers, Light Saber pretzel rods, Wookie Cookies, The Force Fruit, Yoda Soda, Space Cake, and various galactic treats (e.g. meteor pop rocks, planetary gumballs, space crystal rock candy).

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princess ari (birthday girl):

Her shirt says “Nice Buns” and that’s Princess Leia’s mug on the front, and her buns are homespun!

Thanks to Kristen and Sarah for your help and handiwork!

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Jedi gabe (birthday boy):

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Thanks to my wonderful sisters and my hubby who helped me with everything!

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Jedi training academy:

I figured that there was no better time than my twins’ 5th birthday to train all of them and their friends in the ways of the Jedi.  When all twenty-some guests had arrived, we began their rigorous schooling.  Not every youngling chose to participate, which was fine, because it still made for great entertainment for any and all observers!


The first step to advancing from a mere youngling to a Jedi is to complete a physical readiness test.  This test involved a series of demanding obstacles that must be overcome in order to receive one’s own lightsaber!  Each obstacle in the course was carefully explained and demonstrated (by yours truly – no photos of that will be posted!) before the crew of littles were sent off on their quest.  I have to admit that I am a little theatrical, so this might have been just as much fun for me as it was for them!


obstacle course:

Step 1:  Side to side hops over a rope

Step 2:  Five jumping jacks

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Step 3:  Army crawling up a hill

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Step 4:  Log rolling down the hill

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Step 5:  Strike a Jedi pose!

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lightsaber training:

Upon completion of the obstacle course, each of the younglings were allowed to advance to the status of a Padawan, and they were able to select their very own lightsaber for training.  The color they chose was reflective of their energy and the force within them ;).  The great Obi Wan Kenobi instructed the young Padawan in the moves and methods of wielding their lightsabers.  Each Padawan had the opportunity to practice spar with Obi Wan.  The kids really got into character – maybe it was the very realistic looking weapons they wielded or maybe it was just that they were feeling pumped up by the Star Wars theme music that was being piped out of our portable speakers.  Either way, it was too cute!  Wish I could post all 750 pictures my sister took!

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battle with the dark side:

Just when each of the Padawan had mastered their moves, Obi Wan sensed a disturbance in the force (and a change in the music)!  Darth Vadar himself appeared before us, challenging the Padawan to battle him face-to-face and demanding that they join him in the dark side!  Many brave Padawan accepted the challenge to battle, but all of them unanimously agreed that they would never choose the dark side!  Whew, what a relief for all the parents in the audience!

Thanks to Jay for playing villain for a day!


Of my three, only the male was up for the challenge of the battle.  This was his second encounter with Lord Vadar after all (circa October 2011, Disneyland).  Bella knew her limits, and calmly took “a rest” on the sidelines.  Ari debated whether or not to fight him, but ultimately decided that he was absolutely terrifying and opted out at the last minute.

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All of the Padawan, whether or not they chose to battle Vadar, were honored for their bravery and dedication.  They recited the Jedi credo in unison and received their diplomas, advancing them to the title of Jedi!

jedi graduation feast:

After all their hard work (truly!), the Jedi’s were more than ready for a feast.  My three were still feeling pretty crummy, but they held it together wonderfully in light of the occasion.  You can see it on their faces in the photos (especially Gabe) that they probably ought to have been in bed all day, like they were for nearly three days after, but they were such troopers the whole time (the good kind of trooper, that is!).

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destroying the death star:

After refueling on food and cake, the final challenge our now seasoned Jedi would encounter was to destroy the Death Star!  The Death Star, of course, is quite resistant to destruction, so let’s just say that every child got more than a few rounds of turns before the impossible was achieved and peace and order were reinstated in the galaxy (everyone was showered with candy).

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I hope everyone who came had as much fun as we did!  What can I say?  The Taylor family loves to party!  Happy birthday to my now 5 year old (eek!) twin babies, Gabriel Pierce and Ariana Elise!