Monday, August 27, 2012

Boys/Girls Weekend

Gabe went on his first boys trip.  He was recruited by Daddy, Papa, and his Uncle Ryan (Jake’s dad & brother).  They went hiking and camping in the beautiful wilderness – up Mount Baldie, near Show Low. Gabe had the time of his little boy life doing man things and having lots of daddy-son bonding time up in the cool weather and green. While they camped in a camper trailer, Gabe did get a chance to rough it on the all-day hike.  Daddy bought a baby carrier off Craigslist and carried him a good deal of the way, but I was still impressed at how much Gabe managed to do by himself.  They had a great time, and I’m sure there will be many more of those to come.

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Needless to say, the girls (plus Liam) were left at home in the heat.  Naturally, we had to make the most of it by doing girlie things.  Like going to the salon and getting Ariana her first haircut ever.  Going out to lunch with Nana.  Swimming with Aunt Marci.  And then obliging Bella’s lifelong wish that we all do our makeup, dress up in our wedding dresses, and dance to Disney soundtrack ballads.  And take pictures.  Yes, we did all of those things.  The boys would have never stood for such a quantity of silly girly-ness all in one day.  And we would have never stood for nine miles of hiking in one day.  So there ;).  I’d say we’re even.

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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gabe’s a Dolphin

My big boy moved up a level in swimming last week from Porpoise to Dolphin – the last level before “Advanced Stroke” (whatever that means… sounds very serious).

Monday, August 13, 2012

Baby Boy at 2 Months

Our little Liam just gets sweeter and more lovable every single day.  I love this age.  I do love every stage, but right now I’m shamelessly head over heels for Liam (I call him Yum Yum).  I am about to do a post that may be much more for my own enjoyment than anyone else’s.  Brace yourself for a list of ordinary baby milestones and a whole page of photos with only slight variances in cute facial expressions from one image to the next :).

Liam has been making it his business to chunk up quick.  Right now, Liam weighs 13 lbs. 9 oz. (90th %tile) and is 24.75 inches long (95th %tile).  It cracks me up when I hear people say he’s tiny, because he’s actually kind of huge.  He is still exclusively breastfeeding, and he eats about every three hours during the day and is sleeping for 5 hour stretches at night (waking once per night).  I feed Liam on demand, so I can’t really say how many times he eats, but there’s no question that he seems to be getting plenty. 


During the day, Liam naps on the go and has to be pretty flexible when it comes to the schedule demands of a family of six. However, he generally takes three long naps per day, waking for only two or three hours in between.


Liam has been trying to hold his head up when he’s upright or on his tummy.  He’s still pretty wobbly, but he gets an ‘A’ for effort.  He has found his hands and likes to drool all over them.  Eye contact is a strength of his.  It’s as though he’s peering into your soul.

He has begun to be a ball of fun when he’s awake.  He even debuted his contagious smile for us.  He just lights up when people talk to him, and he responds sweetly with his own little coos.  I feel myself melting to the floor when he tells me “ah goo”.  Music to a mama’s ears.


Right now, Liam is enjoying his play gym. He still isn’t grabbing for the toys, but he likes the Little Einstein classical tunes it pipes out. He gets excited and starts kicking and cooing whenever it’s on. Strangely, when I turn on the music and lights on his bouncer (not classical music), he gets irritated very quickly.


A pacifier (binkie) still works wonders for soothing this boy when he’s crabby.  I hope he sticks with it, because it really does help keep things calm during the few more difficult moments in the day.  Overall though, I have to say that our boy is very rarely crabby.  He has an easygoing temperament, he is very tolerant of his brother and sisters, and he can usually be soothed just by being picked up and held.  If none of that works, then the Miracle Blanket can relax him even when he’s totally overstimulated. Within two minutes of wrapping him up in that thing, he will be either cooing or fast asleep.

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I thought that my heart had already reached its love capacity before he came along, but I was so wrong.  He is such a wonder to me, and I love getting to know him more each day.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Bella Back To School

While the other three are well into their first few weeks, Bella just returned to preschool this week.  She had a little trouble understanding why she had to return to preschool when, she recalled, she had already had her “preschool graduation” ceremony.  I had to explain that the event we formerly had referred to as a graduation was actually a “moving up” ceremony and that this would be her last year of preschool.

Bella, at three years old, informs me that she is already ready for kindergarten.  Well, I’m not.

So, off she went, ready as could be for her final year of preschool in Miss Jessica’s class.  She’ll be there MWF for a half-day, home in time for lunch.  Little marshmallow is turning into a big girl (and yes, that is gum in her mouth that she snuck out of my purse).

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When the opportunity was presented to me to travel up to Holbrook with a new baby for a family reunion, I didn’t exactly jump into the air with excitement.  But, what happened this time was no different than what has happened every time before – I came back feeling so grateful that we went and with a spirit rejuvenated.  Body exhausted, soul happy.

We saw family by the boatloads.  We celebrated many things (Rob & Ligia’s wedding, Liam’s baby blessing, Kylie’s baptism, my birthday).  We reconnected with both distant and nearby cousins.  The kids played, Liam was passed from one warm set of arms to another, the grownups laughed and talked politics (Taylor custom), and we all felt loved.  I couldn’t stop thinking about how I wished we all lived closer together.

Uncle Ryan and Uncle Rob gave Liam his baby blessing.  It was so special.  I would give my little bundle a baby blessing every day if I could, because that’s how much I love the ritual.

Family photo (immediate family only): Take 1… don’t ask me what happened here.  I don’t know.DSC_0061

Family photo: Take 2.  That’s the best we’ve got this go ‘round.DSC_0062

We had a reception in honor of Jake’s brother, Rob’s wedding to Ligia.  It was a beautiful evening.

I still haven’t gotten my set of photos on CD yet (ahem, Stephanie ;) ), but there should be more to come.

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Bella was scooped up by her older female cousins within five minutes of being there and was loved on the whole weekend. 


Ari and David were inseparable as usual.  She loves him so much.  I love him (almost) as much as she does, for treating Ari like the princess we believe she is.


Call it post-baby hormones, call it what you will, but I miss them all terribly already.  As I am getting older… I just had my 28th birthday over this weekend as well (*sigh*), I am realizing that family is more than just nice to have around.  It is a true need of mine to watch my kids experience their cousins and learn from the examples of their aunts and uncles as well as the stories and wise lessons of their older relatives.  As for me, I crave the sense of community and the support and the friendship that comes with a tight knit family.  I can’t help but feel a twinge of envy for those of my friends who have a bevvy of siblings and cousins surrounding them at every birthday and holiday and weekend barbecue.  I am so grateful for the family we have on both sides, and I am reminded of this every time we are together.  It is my hope that one day more of us will be closer together in proximity. 

A girl can dream.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Babies at Home

We’ve been having an abundance of mommy-daughter dates during these past two weeks.  Technically, they’re mommy-daughter-baby dates, but the point to made here is that I’m getting to soak in the joy that my younger children bring to me everyday.  I have vowed to try not to waste even an hour of our time together, because with Gabe and Ari going off to school now, I have definitely been humbled by increased awareness and appreciation for the passing nature of their childhoods. 

Bella is as sweet as she can be when it’s just the three of us.  She tells me all the time how much she misses her older brother and sister, which makes me feel like I need to be fully present for her all the time.  I have big shoes to fill.  So we do things together like color, play pretend, make crafts, bake, and go swimming.  We go places like the mall play area, splash pads, Disney store, and out to lunch all the time.  We chat as we go along, and I’ve found that my girl makes wonderful company. 

As for Liam, well, he is a breath of fresh air to me and a reminder of how fortunate I truly am every day.

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kindergarten Twins

Last week was a time of growth for our family.  We hit small but sweet milestones with every passing month, like improving a swim stroke or when all the kids decide the love brussels sprouts or when I took all four littles somewhere out of the house by myself for the first time.  But last week, we hit a big one.  It was the kind that changes everything.  Two of my babies woke up one day and were school kids.  All day long.  And loved it.

I have been so excited for this time, because I knew that with it would come an abundance of free time for me to spend with my other two children, to give them the individualized attention that the twins got when they were tiny.  Of course, I knew that it would mark huge growth in my older kids, and they would flourish in this new and enriching environment.  I was also a little heartbroken that this is the end of… something.  They are still in the midst of their childhoods, I know, but there is something that’s over and I can’t help but feel a few pangs of loss with that.  It has me wishing that we would have done a few more Pinterest activities during the summer days or that I should have shown more patience that one all those afternoons before naptime or maybe that I shouldn’t have put them down for a nap at all, but rather, should have cuddled them in my arms for those two hours, because life is short and childhood is shorter and my babies’ childhoods sure feel the shortest yet.  But I know that this is a normal feeling, and it’s just something that we all go through and forgive ourselves for once we realize that we are indeed human and not a Martha Stewart-Mary Poppins-Cinderella-Superwoman hybrid (or something like that).

And was I a nervous wreck, you ask?  Yes, that too.  For Ari, but not for Gabe.  Not for Gabe in the least.  He was as ready as he could be.  He taught himself to read and is currently flipping through The Chronicles of Narnia right now, and not an abridged version either.  It’s sixth grade reading material, and he loves it.  He also is pretty good at addition and subtraction, which is another good thing.  Over the past week in school, Gabe has learned some important lessons about talking out of turn, he has made everyone in the class his friend but has a couple bosom buddies already, and he has been breezing through his academics (with the exception of coloring, which takes him a while… go figure). 

My worries for Ariana were a different story, which should go without saying.  There’s no question that she’s not academically at her age level, but the important thing about kindergarten for her in my eyes is not necessarily the academics, although I do hope that she’ll master her colors and learn to identify the letters in her name by the end of the year.  I’m realistic about her potential, and I know that while she is super bright, she isn’t likely to grow up to be a surgeon or a Congresswoman.  What’s important for me to see is for Ari to grow to be a part of society in some way, shape, or form that makes her happy and feel like she has a life with purpose.  Kindergarten would make her happy.  Regular kindergarten (not a self-contained special ed. classroom) with kids like her brother and sister and family friends who use spoken language, who move purposefully, and who are socially interactive.  Ari needs these examples more than she needs someone to teach her how to handwrite her numbers, believe me.  It was a struggle getting Ari fully mainstreamed in a classic kindergarten classroom with a one-on-one aide by her side at all times.  She still receives an hour of resource per day for academic support and all three therapies an hour a week during school.  We’re only a week into school, but Ari has already started to take a small and emerging interest in her homework.  There are kids who enjoy playing with her at recess and who want to push her wheelchair down the hall, and she even has made a couple good friends (one boy and one girl) who share giggles with her and ask to sit next to her in circle time and always say “bye Ari!” at the end of the day.  Ari has been great about using the toilet while at school, and the past two lunch periods, she even finished her whole lunch in the twenty minute window in which they have to eat it (at 10:45 am no less!).  Her teacher describes her as “always happy” and says that she’s “happy to have Ari in [her] class”.  Her aide says that “Ari is a pleasure to work with".  Ari leaves for school with (legs kicking) excitement and nods her head with such fervor, when asked if she likes school, that she looks like she’s taking a bow. I would say that, so far, Ari has managed to calm most of my initial worries and anxieties about Kindergarten. 

Right now, I am just excited for what the year has in store for them, while I still miss them like crazy while they are away all day.  How could I not – just take a look at those lovable faces.

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