Last Christmas (his fourth), Gabe got a balance bike (a two wheel bike without pedals) so he could learn to stay up on two wheels. He picked up on that so quickly that we gave him this two wheeler with pedals just as it was beginning to get hot again (what, three months after Christmas? This is Arizona, amigos.) Summer is not a time to ride a bike out here, much less learn to ride a bike, lest you fall on the asphalt and melt your skin off, so he had not had a chance to practice on it until now. It has just begun to get cool (80’s) again, so Brittany taught him how to ride it after a couple afternoons.
Way to go, Gabe!
Who is Brittany, you ask? Brittany is our wonderful respite provider/nanny. She has been working with our family (in particular, Ari) since May. She loves our kids and we love her!