This past Sunday, my family went to my parents' house to celebrate Hanukkah. (For those who don't know, I was raised Jewish and have only recently converted to become a Latter Day Saint.) The kids got spoiled with attention and presents galore. My mom is widely known throughout the world for her gift giving prowess and generosity. This occasion was definitely not an exception. Gift highlights included a tricycle and fire truck for Gabe, a ball pit for Ari (the hugest hit ever!), a Bumbo seat for Isabella, and a Jumpolene for all three. There were more clothes than you can even imagine. Marci and Leah also got some adorable presents for the kids and for moi. So exciting! As usual, too, dinner was super. And Ariana actually
ate, which is a cause for celebration in and of itself.
Gabe has the most angelic face here. He is adorable! And of course the girls are beautiful as always!
Isabella looks like a little doll. They are all so cute.
did you know about the genetic defect before you conceived these children?
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