Monday, April 6, 2009

Health Bummer

Everyone is sick right now. Gabe & Ari both have pneumonia in their right lung and left ear infections (talk about twins!). Isabella & Jake both have bronchitis. We all have horrible colds. Babies up all night, coughing fits till they puke, crying all day -- it's misery when our health departs the premises. Isabella also just recovered from a case of pink eye and impetigo (skin infection). ugh!


Brooke said...

I'm sorry to hear that you are all sick. It's always so hard to see your kiddos sick, and then to not feel well yourself, makes it harder to take care of everyone. I hope you guys get to feeling better, we'll keep you in our prayers.

Erin Buggy said...

I hope you guys are feeling MUCH better since yesterday's post!!

hyrum♥chelsea said...

that sounds terrible! i thought having 1 sick child was bad! send me your email address so i can send you an invite to our blog... xoxo