Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tinkerbella Party

The days are getting shorter, and increasingly more full all the time, I would say.  We rang in Isabella’s 2nd birthday with no less than a whole two full weeks of celebration.  And when we weren’t celebrating officially -- as in cake time, party time, tutu time, friends time, and yes… vacation time (more on that to come), that little Heffalump was finding ways of her own to show us that we still were not quite done marking the end of her babyhood.  Besides mastering the potty, Isabella did another big girl thing on the day of her birthday party… she climbed out of her crib for the first time.  She did it again the next day.  And while we were on vacation, she climbed in and out as she pleased, rummaging through the hotel refrigerator and the shoe suitcase in between jaunts back into the crib!  So, we decided -- or rather, were forced to go along with her plan to retire the crib to its rightful place back with the manufacturer (because it had been recalled), and exchange it for a brand new toddler bed (more on that later too).

We threw Isabella a Neverland (Tinkerbella) party, because she thinks that she just happens to be the little pixie incarnate, and we couldn’t agree more.  We hosted the party at our favorite birthday spot, Chuparosa Park, so we could let the little fairies and pirates run about the playground and, if they so desired, even traipse through the showers and fountains at the splash pad.  It was a beautiful morning, we really had a lot of fun, and we were so happy to be with so many friends that we don’t get to see often enough!


The balloons are always worth fifty times their weight in gold.  And with a Tinkerbell balloon taller than Bella, their value goes up from there.


We went casual this year, with our favorite pizza from Venezias, sub sandwiches, fruit, chips, and cake, leaving me a little more time & motivation to enjoy the event. 


All the girlies got decked out in fairy ensembles complete with goody bag loot such as pixie dust (glitter gel), tiaras, necklaces, metallic flutes, and Tinkerbell stickers.  The boys had to play their Neverland counterparts, which are naturally, pirates.  Their booty consisted of a compass, eye patch, pirate earring, kaleidoscope, and pirate treasure.

Gabe and his friends Noah and Garret held down the fort on the playground the entire morning.  They wouldn’t abandon post long enough to play in the water, which they didn’t seem to mind missing out on anyway.  Too busy being buccaneers. :)


Our gorgeous little fairy guests (pictured: Kiera, Lana, Malia, Taya, Giana, Mylie, Autumn, & Summer)

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Off to the water they go…


Little mermaids.

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“Happy Birthday” is quite possibly Isabella’s favorite song in the world (second only to “Baby Mine”, just for the record).DSC_0398DSC_0399DSC_0401russ pic1

And their off!  Look and the shoveling action!


Very intimidating, that Gabriel.

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Isabella was so fortunate to have so many lovely gifts!  Everyone seemed to know her taste exactly! Thank you so much to everyone who came and made this day special for our little pixie!

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Jay, Sarah, Noah, & Nate said...

great party - as always! Happy Birthday TinkerBella!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Taylor Family

I would like to make contact with you, Elisa. My daughter was born, 10 months ago, the same as Isabella.

If you won't mind it will be really nice.
My e-mail adres is lizevermeulen@yahoo.com

Kind Regards
