Thursday, November 24, 2011


Ariana began hippotherapy this month.  I have been so excited for this time to come ever since she was just a chubby baby!  Hippo is actually a Latin word, meaning horse.  So, hippotherapy is actually a type of physical therapy that is conducted while Ariana is riding horseback.  The main benefits that we are looking forward to include, but are not limited to, increased trunk and core strength, increase in balance, more flexibility/less tone in her inner thighs, proper weight shifting pattern in preparation for a good gait (pre-walking), and FUN! 

I was nervous for a few years that the last goal wouldn’t be feasible, given her previous phobia of large animals.  But as I mentioned before in a very recent post, she appears to have outgrown that fear completely and now believes herself to be Jessie the cowgirl from Toy Story!  I am amazed and overjoyed and SO proud of her!  Her balance is better atop the horse than I ever could have hoped.  She stays erect on the horse with very little assistance from her handles or her PT.  I am so grateful that we found our PT, Melissa, and this wonderful service provided by Hoofbeats with Heart through Lauren’s Institute for Education (LIFE).

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The rest of us have a morning of play on the farm while Ari rides her horsey, Cody.  This usually means playing on the jungle gym and in the sandbox, petting goats and horses, holding chickens, and even riding a horse (by accident… don’t ask). 

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Ari rides sideways and backwards as well as forwards.  She also rides with one leg lifted and in other different positions to provide more of a challenge.  I bet her legs were so sore after the first couple Saturdays she rode, but she didn’t complain once!

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Ari has obstacles along the course, which include bells and mailboxes and ring toss and flags.  Cody also takes her on different terrain and a couple little inclines to push her further.

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I love our new Saturday morning adventures!


Dreams and Chocolate said...

You must be really proud of Ari :D

Can I ask you something? What lens do you use to take your photos? I love the one of Bella, her eyes look stunning :D

Taylors said...

I use a 35 mm prime for everyday shots like these, and I really like it :)

Dreams and Chocolate said...

Thanks ! I am starting a photography project and want to invest in good material ;)

Anonymous said...

Ari looks so beautiful,happy, and comfortable on the a real pro already...She has such a great attitude and is not a complainer.. What a blessing that is! Love all the photos of the kids...Love, Nana Starr