Friday, May 18, 2012

Special Blessings Amputee Expo

This month, we attended our first Special Blessings event for Isabella, and it was not a moment too soon.  When I saw how excited little Bella was to be at a “party” with people who were similar to her, my heart literally melted.  She ran from one person to the next introducing herself, waving her little arm and showing off her myoelectric prosthesis (her “Luke Skywalker robot hand”).  To our surprise, she was the only one in the room wearing a myo, but there was one other boy with a prosthesis (cable operated).  When Bella asked other kids what happened to their arm or leg, she got to hear the very same response that we encourage her to give, which is “I was born this way”.  Hearing that, for Bella, was a total “aha” moment.  It was like it wasn’t until that moment that she truly understood that she wasn’t the only person on the planet that had this uniqueness.  Totally confidence-building!

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We got to listen to the inspiring stories of five individuals with limb differences who have accomplished phenomenal feats and achievements, in spite of their limitations.  I know, without a doubt, that Isabella will be among them one day.  This girl lets nothing get in her way.

Grammy, Papa, and Aunt Marci joined us for the expo.

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Thank you Adrienne!  What an awesome event and an even more rewarding experience.

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