Friday, December 21, 2012

Trimming the Tree

We’ve been readying ourselves.  And we’ve been busy, extremely busy, sometimes even pushing the envelope with too busy, like probably everyone else is during the holiday season.  The official beginning of our Christmas season is marked by the trimming of the tree and the lighting of our house.  Dad gets the lion’s share of the job, since he’s the tallest and strongest and least likely too fall off the eaves and the tall ladder. 

We watch and wait down below while he gets every light just so and then lights the star.  Then it’s our turn and the little elves rush in.


Cue digressing mama talk… Did I mention Ari has a new and much improved stander?  It came in only a few months ago.  She does a great job upright in it and we use it inside and outside, whenever we’d like for her to accompany us on a vertical plane.  She likes to wheel herself too, which she still only does one-handed, but it gets her places nonetheless.  Normally, we let her play her iPad when she’s standing.  Ipad is something we try to limit, because screen time, like most things, is best when had in moderation.  She can also gets pretty fussy when we signal the end of her techie session, so if she wants it, she has to work for it too.


They spent seven and a half months in utero together.  They have some mannerisms in common.


Every Christmas tree has a kitty.  Ya know, the one the bats at all the ornaments and undecorates the tree from underneath?


Meet our tree kitty.


Sweetest Christmas present under the tree.


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