Saturday, September 27, 2014

Everyday Miracles

So I know that I’ve been posting way more Instagram pics than real content lately, but I just don’t want to forget the little things.  If I could only rely on my real camera to capture the everyday miracles, I would be up a stream.  Lucky for me, my phone camera can capture the confetti that would otherwise slip through the cracks.

Sharing one of my favorite childhood memories – a creek walk – with my kids on the day it poured. 

Coming home with pockets full of loot – mostly quartz from the wash.

A front yard that looks like the bayou // we played in it.

Receiving a pretty peach pie from your neighbor.

Liam began his first swimming lesson // the only tears came when it was time to go home.

Baby shark is getting stronger in the water.

Jake hung my beautiful chandelier // the way the light dances around the room has me swooning.  Land of Nod chandelier.

Liam can elevate even the simple act of eating a peach and saying “peach” to a whole new level of adorableness. 

Ari is taking steps in her walker // she is motivated by promises of Disney music videos on the phone.

I know one day I’ll miss this beautiful mess and even the nightly clean-up ritual that accompanies it.

My drive home on our country road.

Mommy-daughter Botox date… I didn't get any.  Hers required anesthesia and didn't touch her flawless face // it did help relax her right arm and hand though.

Playdate at the mall // sometimes you just have to give in.

First manicure in two years // it’s the little things.

When it’s Friday.

My pocket-sized entertainment accompanies me wherever I go.

PicMonkey Collage09-21-14

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