I had my 24 week ultrasound yesterday. It was really fun to see Isabella, but I was so unusually tired I almost fell asleep right there on the ultrasound table. Isabella is growing right on schedule for a 24 week baby. She currently weighs 1 lb. 5 oz. and is about 12'' long. She has turned head-down (instead of breach), and hopefully she stays that way. The ultrasound yesterday was a follow-up regarding her arm but also to take an in-depth look at her heart functioning. Everything looks perfect. I can't say that I was prepared to hear any different, but I am relieved nonetheless. We got some great 3-D pictures, and Jake and I agree that she already looks just like her sister, Ariana. Those full lips and little nose are unmistakeable. She even has some cheeks already. What a cutie!
After my ultrasound, I got a full thrombophilia panel drawn (I felt like I was donating blood -- they took like 10 vials!) to see if I have any of the clotting genes. If I do, then I will need to start on injectable blood thinners as soon as possible during my pregnancy, because I will be at high risk of forming a clot. If I don't, then it falls on Jake, and we'll both have to start being more careful with his health.
Here are my 24 week belly pics:

What a great ultrasound! Those 3D ones are so fun! I had one with Julia, but I brobably won't get one with this one. We have an ultrasound on Tuesday. I'm excited and nervous. Pregnancy is so emotional, right?!
I'm glad you were able to get use out of that swing. I'm sure twins are hard enough without having to worry about them sharing one swing :)
Anyway, we should hang out sometime. Do your little ones like to swim?
you are still so tiny.
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