Last Monday, Jake and I took the kids on a field trip to St. Joseph's Hospital. Ariana had an EEG scheduled -- her 4th since she was born and 2nd since leaving the hospital. It was a long overdue test, trying to check to see if Ari was still having irregular brain wave activity (which is an indication of seizures or seizure risk). Ariana was such a good sport even though she hates doctors and laying on doctor beds (not to mention people gluing wires to her head). She got to drink her bottle and watch a Baby Einstein DVD on the portable DVD player that the Child Life Specialist brought her, and Gabe got to play in his stroller with all kinds of new toys. Thank goodness that she and Jake were there, because the whole ordeal lasted more than an hour. I had to harrass the hospital staff to call me back about the results, as usual, but I finally go the call yesterday. This was the 1st that turned out normal! This is awesome news! It might mean that Ariana will get to come off of her Phenobarbitol in 6 months or so. They like to see 2 normal EEGs, usually spaced 6 months or 1 year apart before weaning off meds. Knowing how insistent I can be to the doctors, I would guess that Ari's wait will be the shorter of the two.
Wow! I'bet it's so nice to get some good news, or great news! I'm so happy for her. She's such a strong little thing hu? I will be praying that in 6 months she will get the same results. Congrats!
That's great news-I'm so happy that the test results were positive. What a trooper Ariana is, along with all of you. I admire you both.
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