I can't believe the kids are already 16 months old! I find myself still saying that they're 15 months whenever anyone asks me their age. This month is already a fun month for us, despite the opressive heat. First of all, Ariana has cut some new teeth, giving her a total of 10 with another two on the way (Gabe has over 12 already, but I'm afraid to check on the exact number, because he likes to bite off my fingertips). Maybe it was Ariana's extra teeth or maybe it was the teeth brushing helping to desensitize her mouth (yes, we barely started teeth brushing on a regular basis, because Ari has resisted it for so long), but Ariana is now eating only solid table foods like a champ! She is so good at it -- she almost eats as much as Gabe does at each meal. She doesn't like warm temperature foods and still can't chew chunky or shredded meats very well, but other than that, you would never know that the sight of a solid food headed towards her mouth used to make her gag & cry just four short months ago. This girl has come so far! I am so proud of her! Another thing is that Ariana is doing a lot better with sitting. It is a subtle difference, but a difference nonetheless. Ari can now sit for up to two or three minutes, instead of one minute like last month (or 15-30 seconds in previous months). Of course, she still has "off" days, but we have seen a definite overall improvement over time. We have three more months till Isabella gets here -- come on Ari, I know you can do it (sit independently)! Ari is also being a lot more vocally expressive. She was always social, but now she frequently tries to get attention with her voice and babbling. We also transitioned the kids down to one nap per day, as of Saturday. We had to do it abruptly, so as to make it possible to coordinate all of our four therapists' schedules, but it is going okay so far. Based on the past three days, the kids would prefer to sleep three to four hours in the middle of the day, but that's not usually possible with all the therapy visits. It's also pretty hard to get in my shower and morning routine with Gabe clammoring up my leg and Ari whining because she dropped her toy. But, in the long run, I'm sure that it will be for the best (at least we'll be able to get out a little more & we won't be stuck in the room all day on vacation).
Last but not least, Ariana is getting weaned off her Phenobarbitol. Per doctor's orders, we switched her down to 2.5 ml twice daily (versus 3 ml before) two Thursdays ago, and this Thursday, she'll move down another .5 ml to 2 ml twice daily. Although we will still be on Phenobarb on vacation, we are moving steadily down, and it won't be long now until my baby is medicine-free (except for folic acid, which isn't a drug).

Gabe is also moving right along. He speed walks (not quite running, but close)
-revised 7/4 Gabe is running! - all over the place, and gets into everything! He hides, throws balls, uses his words & sign language, and imitates everything everyone does. His favorite thing to imitate is people's laughter, and he's really good at it. When he hears someone laugh, he will often copy it immediately. It's his little way of feeling like he's "in" on the joke. His other favorite noise to make is the "ROAR" of a lion. He roars at us all the time. When he first sees me in the morning, he'll roar several times without being asked. Gabe is also gaining a love for cars, of all things. I don't know where he learned it, but he drives his little cars (from the Cheerios box!) all over the floor, saying "broom broom!".

On Saturday, we went to 2 birthday parties (happy birthday Mylie & Saylee!), and we had a blast. The first was at a "splash pad", where there are little water features coming out of the ground at the park. Gabe and Ari had so much fun! Ari didn't stop smiling the whole time, being the true water baby that she is. It took Gabe a few minutes to warm up to the idea of water spraying in his face incessantly, but once he did, he was unstoppable. He ran back and forth, wading through the deep puddles in his little Crocs, squirt gun (that he doesn't know how to shoot) in hand, pointing and shouting with all the other 2 year olds. He acted like such a big kid that I could hardly recognize him! When it was time to leave, I carried him out to the pavilion, but he ran right back into the water, without so much as a backward glace. When I carried him out the second time, he threw a tantrum with kicks and screams and everything. Apparently, he doesn't think it's too early for the terrible twos. My babies are growing up!
I'm so happy for your kids! Isn't it fun to see them grow! I remember when Julia went down to one nap a day. It did allow me to leave the house more :) Now she only takes a nap about half the time. But if she doesn't nap, I still make her have quiet time.
I'm so impressed you're able to juggle twins!
Gabe looked so happy at the park, I wish Saylee would react to water with joy instead of instant fear! Thank you guys so much for coming to Say's party. I know it was a big day and alot to do but we appreciate seeing your family! Im so happy that Ari is eating solids! With the rate shes going now, she'll be all ready for Isabels arrival!
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