I tend to treat at my blog as if it were my journal. I like to keep a record of the little things that we do and experience as a family that I might not remember when I'm 50... or in a couple months when I'm making their annual scrapbooks. Besides the vacation, which was an obvious one, this month was full of small developments and new acheivements. Every day, I see my kids grow up a tiny bit more, and it fills me with a mix of excitement, nostalgia, and a little sadness at how quickly time passes.
This month, Gabriel is getting into everything (as if I thought he'd discovered everything last month!). He cannot enter a room without leaving it in shambles before he departs. Gabe is my little chatterbox -- he is constantly babbling sentences and asking us questions that we can't quite understand yet. He has a vocabulary of about 25 words; including his latest "bird," "blankie," "bear," and "car." He is constantly imitating any sounds he hears around him, especially funny noices and laughter. He likes to talk about things as he's pointing at them. He plays games and loves to laugh at Ariana (they are getting to be such great friends!). He is willing to share all of his toys, food, and sippy cups with her. Whenever I put cereal on his tray and not hers (because she can't feed it to herself yet), he lovingly puts one on her tray every time he eats one. He willingly gives her one toy after another when asked. He loves to socialize and has no inhibitions whatsoever -- Jake and I can't hardly recognize him, because we were both so shy as children. Gabe will go up to any child (he prefers older kids) and say "hi" and wave and start babbling and laughing as soon as he makes eye contact. I love that he loves people! He is so affectionate -- loving to give hugs and kisses. Gabe loves typical boy things like cars (he pretends nearly all of his toys are cars and zooms them across the floor), playing catch with balls, making a mess with his sippy cup, a being roughhoused by Daddy. He tries repeatedly to somersault, but always falls to the side. He is also very focused and can concentrate for long periods of time on one activity, such as matching shapes in a puzzle, putting pegs in a pegboard, building towers with blocks, or putting little balls down his rolly ball ramp. I frequently find him "reading" books in a corner aloud to himself. He can take off his shoes and tries to put Ariana's on. Gabe can identify body parts (ear, tongue, teeth, nose, hand, foot, belly button) and can name one... can you guess which? He is learning animals and can name three. He likes to scribble with pens (on the couch) and with his magnadoodle. Gabe is starting to learn to use a spoon at mealtime. Like last month, Gabe is getting a little more demanding of attention. Whenever Ari is sitting on my lap, he will try to push her off or sit on her lap. This will definitely be a challenge when the third baby is vying for her spot on my lap too! Ever since our vacation, Gabe is getting so attached to Daddy. He wants Daddy to tuck him in and he throws and all out tantrum whenever Jake leaves the room or the house to go to work. Gabe is now getting to be very aware of what is right and wrong. When he repeatedly does something that he's told not to do, he will throw a temper tantrum and have to spend a minute in time-out. It's very odd, but it seems like Gabe likes time out, because he quits crying the second he's facing the corner and he often peaks over his shoulder and grins at us, trying to get us to smile back. When the minute is over, he always runs over and gives us a hug and a kiss. I love this boy, and I feel so lucky to have him in my family.

Gabe loves to play catch with Chewy.

Gabe had a blast playing the games at Peter Piper Pizza. His favorite was bowling, as you can tell by the crazed look on his face.

Gabe got to bond with his Uncle Ryan.

While Ariana has not had as many formal skill developments, she has definitely grown and is seeming more mature and like a big girl every day. Ari loves to use her left hand -- she claps with it to music, waves (and says "hiiiii!"), splashes in the water, feeds herself (large foods like bread, green beans, chunks of cheese), reaches and grabs toys, scratches and pulls my hair when she's frustrated with me, and so much more. She belly laughs and plays games with Gabriel anytime they're together (especially in highchairs & carseats). Her favorite games are peek-a-boo and word play nursery rhymes (like "itsy bitsy spider"). Ari has a keen awareness of her surroundings and a great sense of humor. She laughs at almost any incongruity (even the most subtle ones). Ariana is getting to be more and more vocal. She frequently babbles sentences with many different consonants. When she wants to get my attention, she'll yell "mamamama." She will also ask for food by shoving her chest out, waving her hand, and saying "eh eh eh." She loves to play with whatever Gabe has and wants more and more to be treated like he is. She loves to practice drinking out of a sippy cup (she brings it to her mouth with the handle but only chews the spout) and use a spoon. Although Ari's expressive vocabulary isn't where Gabe's is yet (she says three words), she understands most of what we say. When we ask her a question to which her answer is 'yes', she will nodd her head vigorously. She is also very responsive to direction. While sitting in her highchair or practicing sitting independently, Ari sometimes slouches foward or to her right. When I ask her to "sit up please," she corrects herself to an upright position and smiles at us. She also likes to take her sweet time when drinking her bottle. When she is getting distracted, I simply say "Ari, drink your milk" and she gets right on it. Ari is eating all kinds of regular foods -- pretty much anything we eat as long as it's room temperature, and she hasn't had baby foods in over a month. She can take her hat and sunglasses off, throw her toys, and turn the pages of her books. When we put objects in her right hand (her weaker hand), she will use them functionally (brush her hair, feed herself, attempt to push a ball). Ariana is getting so close to sitting, and although it is a gradual process, I now have no doubt that she will get there. I am so proud of my baby girl. Her sweet angelic (and sassy!) spirit keeps me strong. She is my sunshine.

My princess is all smiles.

Bowling with Grammy.

elisa...your family is adorable! its fun to see whats going on in y our lives.....& you are SO cute pregnant!
How fun! I wish I was there! I'm so sorry to hear that Ari is sick. I hope it's just a bad cold and that she get over it quickly. They are getting so big. Gabe reminds me of Vance for some reason. Maybe it's the hair! How was your shower?
So sad to hear we are not in the same ward any more :( I hope you got my present for your shower. sorry I was unable to make it.
Hey! Sorry I didn't make it to your shower. We had the worst night/morning in which Connor was throwing up orange squash all over. I hope it went well. Let's get together.
This is what makes it hard being so far away from family. I hate missing out on all of the fun family get togethers and all of the bonding time for the cousins.
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