I'm happy to say that there isn't any major news in these last few weeks of my pregnancy (as of this moment). At 35 weeks, I had an ultrasound, which measured Isabella pretty small, my belly was measuring only 30 weeks, and my weight is 114 lbs. (19 lbs. over my pre-pregnancy weight). The small measurements were a little concerning, so I was sent to get a second ultrasound at my perinatologist. That ultrasound showed that although Isabella is measuring a small
ish (15th percentile), she has been measuring that way pretty consistently -- which means that she is following her own curve and growing. Her weight was 5 lbs. at 35 weeks. Since I was a small full term baby (5 lbs. 13 oz.), this isn't too surprising. Everything else has been checking out fantastic -- her biophysical profiles show that she is breathing well and moving great (as if I needed someone to tell me that!). Isabella hid behind her foot for her 3-D ultrasound, so I only have her profile pictures in 2-D. She, without a doubt, has the Taylor lips.

This morning was my last Lovonox shot, as tonight I am switching to Heparin. I never thought I'd say this, but I think that I'm going to miss being on the Lovonox. Reason being is that I have to inject a larger amount of Heparin for the same effect as the Lovonox. But seeing as though I only have 2 1/2 more weeks of it, it's probably a trifling thing to complain about.
Other than that, I think I'm starting to feel "ready," in the sense that my body is getting tired of the pregnancy. I'm pretty short of breath most days, and it's very difficult to carry Ariana up and down the stairs on my nonexistent hip bone. I don't feel quite as "ready" when it comes to thinking about being in labor, leaving my twins at home while I'm in labor and during my hospital stay (I've never been away from them that long), and having three babies 19 months and under... but I'm sure I'll get there with the help of a heavy dose of reality.
So far, I have to say that I've been very fortunate with this pregnancy. It has not been too strenuous, and I often have found myself, at times, forgetting that I am even pregnant at all. I look foward to meeting my little cookie, Isabella, and can't wait to feel the joy that she brings to our family. I'm aware that my belly pictures look pretty rough, but that just goes to show what I'm willing to do for my baby.

I have to tell you that you are the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen. Glad to hear things are going well.
You look so beautiful! If you feel like crap, you certainly don't show it!
Gosh, can you believe how fast it's all gone by? It feels like yesterday that I called you to tell you I was pregnant, and then you found out you were, and now Noah's here and Isabella will be here before you know it!! So exciting. Can't wait to meet her. Miss you!
You are so cute and tiny! I am jealous! I had such a good time talking to you on the phone the other day. We REALLY need to get together!
you look great and your baby is so cute. I cant wait to see her. It is so neat that we are pregnant at the same time. Isabella and our little BOY will be so cute playing together.
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