I went to my weekly OB appointment today and had my weekly ultrasound. I have gained 21 lbs. since the beginning of my pregnancy. I am dilated to 3 cm. and am 80% effaced. Like at 35 weeks, the ultrasound tech at my doctor's office measured Isabella as
really small (5.4 lbs -- 3rd percentile), and freaked me and my doctor right out. He sent me straight over to the Perinatologist for a 3-D ultrasound, stating that he would induce me today if they got similar results. Also like at 35 weeks, they did not get the same results (thankfully). They measured Isabella in the 12th percentile at 6 lbs. even. They said that they didn't think that there would be any cause for concern as everything else seemed to be looking great as usual (breathing, amniotic fluid level, movement, tone, etc.). My OB called me later this afternoon, saying that because I am a "complicated woman" (I assume he meant a complicated patient), he would like to see the baby come sooner rather than later. He stated that he would leave it up to me whether to get induced today or at 39 weeks (next Tuesday), which would be the latest he'd let me go. He said that if I chose to wait till 39 weeks, I'd need to come in to the office twice for ultrasounds over the next few days. My choice? Neither, of course. I told him that I would allow the induction, but at 38 weeks and 3 days -- more specifically, on Friday evening at 8 PM (so I could make sure that my kids were tucked in bed, I had the weekend ahead of me, and my mother-in-law would have had ample notice to drive down to the valley). He told me that he could almost guarantee my request, because he has "a lot of pull at the hospital" and that he would call me to let me know for sure by noon tomorrow. So tentatively, that's where it stands... meantime, my contractions are coming about every 10 minutes right now -- no thanks to all the prodding and checking at my visits today.
Update: The induction is scheduled for this coming Friday at 10 PM.
On a side note, we have a new respite provider (nanny)! Her name is Brooke, and I like her a lot. She has been with us since last Wednesday, but I waited until now to mention it because of the incident with Julie earlier this month -- I didn't want to have to put my foot in my mouth again. Brooke couldn't have come at a better time -- I feel like she is really getting to know my kids and their schedules, which will make her beyond valuable once Isabella comes. She only works in the afternoons (usually), but it's still a big relief. I think she likes us, although she laughingly tells me that she is usually ready for bed at 8 PM on the days she works :) (hey, me too!). I'm praying this one sticks around.
AWWW! How exciting! (BTW, we're going to have a house the same day you're going to have a baby!) Let me know if there's anything you need in terms of help before or after the birth, and let me know when I can come meet Isabella!!! Are you freaking out yet?
I am excited for you! My Isabella was term and was only 5lb 14oz and she had no problems, some babies are just smallish :D I look forward to seeing your new little one :D Congrats again!
Wow you are going to have a baby. thats awesome!! I cant wait to meet the little angel.
OH! It's so close! Let me know if you need anything...and I will be calling you first thing on SATURDAY. :)
I can't believe your little one is almost here-wow. Please, please call me if you need anything(or if your mother-in-law needs help). I'm going to be checking up on you and I plan on bringing some meals in. I can't wait to see little Isabella!
You are such a cute little pregnant girl. I wish I looked that good that close to the end of pregnancy. I was a whale.
I cant wait to see your beautiful new addition. I'm excited for you guys.
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