Friday, January 9, 2009

Ari's AFO Casting

January 5th, Ariana and I went to get casts made for her AFOs. The leg braces are custom fit to her, so that's why we do the casting. Anyway, it was a painless procedure in the physical sense, but that isn't to say that Ariana wasn't mentally traumatized. Turns out, ever since her latest stint in the hospital back in November, she has become afraid of medical personnel. I can't say that I blame her. But I was feeling sorry for the poor guy who casted her, because Ariana screamed bloody murder the entire hour. She only paused to take those few and far between gasps of air in order to resume screaming. What ticked her off about him? Well, she was initially suspicious of the scrubs, but the big purple rubber gloves were what ultimately terrified her. Each time he put them on or took them off, she'd lose it all over again. Poor girl. The big finale was when he took out the electric saw and proceeded to use it to cut her cast off. That even made me nervous. As for Ari, you'd have thought he was cutting her leg off the way she reacted.

Anyway, it was sad, but kind of funny too in an over-the-top kind of way (considering all that screaming was for nothing). I tried to console her thoughout the casting, but she would have nothing to do with it. I even brought her favorite snack: berry cereal bars. She threw them at me. Oh, well. And I, of course, don't have pictures. That would just be awful. Hopefully, it will go better next time (when her feet outgrow them and she needs new ones). As for this pair, we'll get them in about a week and a half from now. They're white with black Dalmation spots.


Billie said...

Awwwww. Poor gal.

Love the new family pic!

hyrum♥chelsea said...

ohhh!! that is so sad. poor little thing. super cute pic of all of you!!