Friday, January 9, 2009

It's a Brand New Year

In the past, I haven't made a habit of setting resolutions at the start of a new year. This isn't because I'm against them or because I would knowingfully break them. Rather, it had more to with me just forgetting what they were. Now that I'm blogging and I have a way to reference them whenever I need to, I have no excuse but to make them, put them in writing, and solidly commit. And since I have to make up for lost time, I have a few.
  1. I am going to get in shape and stay in shape. This is so cliche, but I mean business. I am going to get killer abs, triceps, hamstrings, and glutes. Not to mention, that I want to kick start my endurance so I can go on runs and hikes with Jake without having to whine at him to wait for me. Jake and I are on week 2 of our P90X workout series (out of 15 weeks), and I LOVE it.

  2. In line with getting in shape, my goal is to improve my posture. This has been really in need of attention since I was a slumping teenager, but in my rebellion, I've put it off until now.

  3. I am going to work on scaling back my long-windedness and improving upon brevity. I need to start applying the concept of 'less is more' in conversations. This does not apply to my blog, which I love for its attention to detail (when reflecting on past events). It only goes for spoken dialogue.

  4. I want to start speaking more sweetly to my husband. Jake is a great husband, and I love him, but sometimes I sound like I'm barking at him when I don't mean to. In my defense, I guess I can sometimes be too empassioned, and come off sounding like an overenthusiastic parent in the stands at a little league game. You know they mean well (and they're not actually mad) -- they just get way too excited. Same goes for me; need to scale back on the urgency.

  5. Last but not least, I want to get prepared to get sealed as a family in the temple.

Of course, I have so many new years wishes, but those are my resolutions; the things that I can control.

We had dinner at a Chinese restaurant with my family on New Years Day. Gabe & Ari would rather ham it up for the camera than eat dinner.

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