It wasn't easy, but I finally got a Maddacrawler for Ariana. I met some resistence from Ari's physical therapist, and of course, insurance put up a couple hoops, but I was bound and determined to get this for Ari, and darnit -- I did it! I think I'm more excited about it than she is. She's still a little short for it, but she'll grow into it. Gabe and Ari have already started having crawling "races" down the hallway. I put "races" in quotes, because I don't want to give the wrong impression that Ariana is actually crawling in it. She's not, yet. But she will get there! Grammy just bought her some knee pads to help with the traction issue. Other than that, it's also great for bench sitting, and this she does love.

What a cool contraption? I love that she's able to sit up so tall while on it! Can't wait to see the birthday kiddos (and the rest of the Taylor clan, of course!) on Sat!
hey thanks for the bday invite!! we'd love to but we have a full day sat. we are doing the bubble blast in chandler in the morning, then lunch, then heading to mesa for the kite festival. have so much fun & give your kidos a bday squeeze for me!!! my email address is if you ever need to get me :) xoxoxo
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