As mentioned previously, Grandma Starr gave Gabe & Ari a Ford F-150 truck for their 2 year birthday. They love it. No really, LOVE. Gabe doesn't know how to steer it yet, so we just let him drive it around the park in concentric circles, while barely pressing the pedal because he is several inches shorter than most 4 year olds (because he is 2!). He is quite the big boy in that truck. And Ariana is just the happiest passenger you've ever seen. She's actually sitting up really well in it, to my surprise, and she laughs and waves pretty much the entire time she's in the truck. Yesterday, Gabe wanted Ari to drive, because his foot was getting tired so he kept pointing to the driver's seat and saying "Ari chair!," so Ari got to drive them home (I pushed the accelerator while she "steered" & Gabe just went along for the ride). I can definitely tell that we are going to get Grandma's money's worth out of this toy.

these are GREAT pictures! We have had the jeep since Talon was like 3 or 4 and he's 10 1/2 now and it's still going strong and the kids still love it to death so i'm SURE you'll get Grandma's money's worth out of it :D Keep up all the pics.
How cute! Ariana looks soo happy! You're mom sure scored with this one. I'm sure she loved watching them enjoy this! I can't wait for Vance to play with the twins someday.
Those are priceless pictures. Can I tell you how much I love that you update this blog so often. I miss so many family events and birthdays, getting to see pictures and to read about the events makes me feel like I'm a part of them. I just need to get better at updating my blog. :)
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