Thursday, July 15, 2010

The First Dentist Appointment

I've put off the inevitable first dentist appointment as long as possible, while still staying within my limits as a responsible parent. Knowing what I know about my kids love for teeth brushing (not really), Ari's affinity towards rubber gloved strangers (nuh uh), her inclination to bite (this one's true), not to mention my own uncomfortable experiences in the dentist's chair, has led me to politely ignore my pediatrician's urging to get the kids their first dental exam at one year old. One year old she said! So, at three and a half years, my twins had their first formal teeth cleaning and dental exam. To my credit, Isabella got hers before she turned two. :) I was surprised at how well it went. Gabe loved the dentist so much that he cried when we had to leave. Ari tolerated everything a whole lot better than expected, although she wasn't pleased with the X-rays. Bella gave what the hygenists referred to as an "age appropriate response" and cried pretty much the whole time the focus was on her. But she got over that pretty quickly too. We had a clean bill of dental health: no cavities and big props for great brushing -- yay for me! (Oh, the things that excite me in my old age).

The waiting room at Sweet Tooth Pediatric Dentistry was a mini wonderland for my three. There were two different Disney movies playing, bean bags to sit on, wall toys everywhere (which is awesome because Ari can reach these while sitting in her wheelchair), video games, and a little train that ran around the whole room.Gabe makes a buddy wherever he goes.Race car video game. Notice the look of awe. Also notice his new and first ever "real" haircut (given by neither me nor a relative). I didn't blog about it and I forgot my camera, and here I digress, but he did amazing at his hair cut. He kept smiling at and flirting with his stylist. :) When she'd tell him how cute he looked, he kept replying, "Thanks. I know," with a little smirk on his face. He didn't complain once the entire time. I got my hair cut right after him, and he would repeatedly tell me, "Mom, you look so beautiful!" Awww.Gabe was such a good sport about the entire appointment, from x-rays to the cleaning and the exam. It was almost as though he was trying to be mature and show off to the hygenists and dentist or something, because I didn't have to direct him at all.His only request was that I let him hold his blue balloon the whole time.Ari did really well. She wasn't thrilled about it, as evidenced by the anxious look on her face and clenched fists, but she definitely held herself together. I was very proud of her.

Sorry to say that I didn't get any pictures of Isabella's exam, cleaning, or x-rays, because I was so busy restraining her the whole time. But she was sweet as pie after she got to open a brand new Eyeore toothbrush, which she refers to as "my teeth!".


kvhawker said...

so, so cute! Thanks, it is always fun to see you and the family. How are you and Jake doing? Any date on the temple yet?

April Gould said...

Yea no cavities! your kiddos are so cute!

DRMuradThakur said...

Nothing to say except your baby is so cute. thanks for sharing. Family Dentist