Sunday, September 26, 2010

MRI Results

Quick update on Ari's MRI follow-up. About that clot in her brain... yeah, you know, the one that they weren't sure was a clot and I was highly dubious about. Uh huh, well, word on the street is that whatever it was, it isn't there anymore. And what that means is probably that it was a clot. And we dodged a bullet. So this is me thanking my lucky stars (it's all relative folks) that we had that seizure so we could catch that abnormality on the MRI and that we had some crazy brave docs who went out on a dangerous limb to treat a clot they weren't sure existed, and maybe saved Ari some serious damage. Yes, this is me saying a big "Thank you".

Ari is off the Coumadin now, as planned. We hopefully won't have a reason to put her back on it either. On an unrelated med note, we are also off the Phenobarb. I don't think I'm going to miss it, but it was a big part of our lives for a great many years. And no, she's not going totally naked. She's got Keppra instead, which should help her to learn better, because it won't fog her up like the Phenobarb used to.

Onwards and upwards!

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