Sunday, September 26, 2010

Panty Princess

My littlest one has joined the ranks of those of us who don’t wear extra-absorbent paper bundles on our bottoms.  Yes, that’s right… before she turned two years old.  She’s only had one accident this week, and I think, on the day before her 2nd birthday, it is fair to declare the little sprite:  officially Potty Trained.  She still wears a pull-up to bed at night and during nap time, because she is a stone cold sleeper, but she has been keeping her pants and her friends dry (Minnie, Dora, & Tinkerbell, that is) during waking hours like a pro.  She’s getting better at wiping, although she still needs to be reminded that we wipe before we get off the potty, not after.

I’m so proud of my Tinkerbella. :)


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