This month just flew by. Isabella is doing wonderfully -- she is such a precious addition to our family. We are so fortunate to have her! 

She is sleeping well (although still no more than a 3 hour stretch at a time), nursing often, and getting CHUBBY. At her 1 month appointment, she weighed 8 lbs. 10 oz. and was measured at 20 1/4". She is in the 35th percentile for weight (she was born weighing at the 10th %tile) and 25th for height. 
Isabella is spending quite a bit more time awake and alert every day. She has been tracking really well, and loves to look around at her surroundings. I am trying to spend more time holding her and letting her have tummy time, so she can be stimulated when she's awake (initially, Isabella slept so much that she rarely ever left her moses basket). When Isabella is on her tummy, she likes to pull her knees up under her, sometimes flipping herself over or even scooting foward a little. 

Isabella's lab results from the hospital came back positive for heterozygous Factor V Leiden and seem to indicate an Antithrombin III deficiency (although this test will be repeated).
Although Isabella does have her periods of crying (usually to eat, because she is quite the piggy and would be happy to nurse every hour), I have to say that, overall, she seems to be a pretty calm and content baby. She's made this first month so enjoyable and breezy for me. I love this baby!

Aww! She has changed SO much already! I am so happy that she's porking up and becoming more alert and active. Isn't it just the neatest thing to watch them develop? Hope you're having a good day! XO
She is so sweet! She is looking more and more like herself, and she surely has her own look. Does Ari still get all giddy when she sees her? I'm so glad it has been a good month for you. You're such a trooper!
She is just absolutely precious. I cant believe how much she has grown already. What a complete doll baby.
Hi! I just found your blog and I'm so glad. My daughter was born 10/12/12 without her hand. Her arm actually looks a lot like your daughters. Your blog is awesome! It has helped ease some of my worries about what lies ahead for my daughter. Anyways, I just wanted to say thank you! You are a great mommy and have the most beautiful children!
Hi Sandra! I'm sorry that it took me so long to reply! Thank you for your sweet comments and congratulations on your baby girl! She will amaze you in ways you never thought possible! Good luck and please contact me if you ever have any questions at all!
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