I just thought I'd say a little about how it is having Isabella at home with us. Every day, I get a little more comfortable in my new position as a mommy of three babies. While our schedule is hectic at times, it is nothing short of fulfilling all the time.

My darling new baby has been such a little dream so far. She sleeps a lot during the day and tends not to be much of a cryer compared with other people's little ones (or so they say). Of course, my other two did not cry much in the first month or so -- it took them a little while to get started. This week, Isabella has spent more time awake and showing off her pretty blue eyes. Aside from that, not much has changed in her behavior as of yet.

Isabella does LOVE to eat. She cluster feeds all day and most of the night until around midnight. She likes to eat every 2 hours or so, and sometimes even as much as every 30 minutes. At night, she wakes up every 3 hours to eat like clockwork. She doesn't take a pacifier (to my dismay), and she hasn't had a bottle since her first or second day at home. Even though it is sometimes demanding to feed her as often as I do, it can be nice because it's an excuse to take a time-out from the other demands of the day. All the eating is definitely paying off. At her 2 week appointment, she weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz., and today she weighed just shy of 8 lbs., warranting Daddy's loving petname "chubby nubby" :). I can't believe how fast she's growing.

She is beautiful! I can't wait to meet her- She seems so peaceful and sweet..
She is just the sweetest baby...! I wish Noah had been even just half as calm and delightful as she is! Are those pics from after our visit? She looks bigger! Can't wait to come down to see you guys again. xo
She is such a little doll. We had fun the other night thanks for inviting us!
She is just absolutely breath taking.
She's so sweet! Everyone looks good! I'm glad she's eating well. I had such a hard time with Julia at first.
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