The bounce place is called "Bounce Jungle" and it is just up off of Germain between Gilbert and Cooper. It is west of the home depot in those new office buildings. It is free for parents and only $4 for kids under 3. Gabe would love it. They only have open bounce at certain times, but you can look that up on their website - How is Isabella??? How are you???
Hi! I'm Elisa. I am a stay at home mom of four beautiful children; Gabriel, Ariana, Isabella, and Liam. I am a mom of a daughter with Cerebral Palsy and epilepsy. I also know a thing or two about limb differences, because I have another daughter who was born without a left hand. My husband and I have been on one whirlwind adventure, beginning with fertility struggles, children with health issues, parenting a child with special needs, advocating for things we never knew mattered to us until they did, and most recently, remodeling and moving into our dream home in the country. In my free time, I like taking photos, gardening, making delicious things, throwing parties, and going on adventures. I can make anything an adventure. I love like nobody's business, and I never, ever forget to appreciate just your ordinary, run of the mill, everyday miracles.
she is so pretty!
Congrats to you all!
The bounce place is called "Bounce Jungle" and it is just up off of Germain between Gilbert and Cooper. It is west of the home depot in those new office buildings. It is free for parents and only $4 for kids under 3. Gabe would love it. They only have open bounce at certain times, but you can look that up on their website - How is Isabella??? How are you???
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