Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's New at 19 Months Old

While there is SO much new in the world of Gabriel and Ariana, I have to keep myself on a short leash and not get too carried away writing it all, because there just isn't time. This month has been one of exceptional growth, not only because of what they've accomplished on their own, but also because of how they have had to adjust to their new roles as big brother and big sister. Ariana is making amazing progress. We grow more proud of her each and every day. For one thing, my little Ari has mastered the art of finger feeding with her left hand. While she had previously been able to feed herself some things (usually taking bites of a big piece of food), she now uses her pincer grasp (thumb & forefinger) to pick up small foods like cheerios and raisins and even little crumbs and put them in her mouth. She can clear her tray in no time at all... that is, when she wants to. Accompanying her newfound feeding independence, Ariana has also decided that she wants to chose what to eat and not just how to eat it. Naturally, this rebellion has led to an all out refusal of most of the foods that she used to love. To be clear, this is completely behavioral, and not a result of her limited abilities. When Ari doesn't want to eat a food, she'll either hit the spoon, throw the food off her tray, or scream. In the rare event that I manage to sneak it into her mouth without her interception, she will shove her fist in her mouth to retrieve the offending food item. Mealtime, especially dinnertime, has been... hellish. The foods that Ari consistently likes right now are cereal, yogurt, cheese, crackers, raisins, fruit, toast, and other sweets. With that said, she has gotten a little better this week only (but I'm holding my breath). Ariana, although not yet drinking out of a sippy cup, has been attempting to hold her bottle with her left hand. There are no handles on her bottle, so this is a pretty major thing. Once she has a hold of it, she'll bring it right up and put it in her mouth. Sometimes, she'll push the bottle aside if I'm holding it, only to replace it herself. 19 months going on 19 years old.

In terms of mobility, Ariana has learned how to roll for transportation! She now rolls side to side in both directions consecutively across the room. She is so proud of herself, and we are so proud of her too! I love that she can get to where she wants to go. She is so determined, and this is only the beginning for her. First major gross motor milestone in a long time -- hooray! Ariana has been sitting up for several minutes at a time unassisted. While I can't say that she'll do it "indefinitely" without assistance, I can pretty much rely on her to sit there while I step away from her. If she knows someone is sitting behind her, she'll rely on their support. If, however, she sees them move away, she knows that she's on her own and she'll meet the challenge and support herself. So, in reference to the goal I set for her that she would be sitting independently by the time Isabella was born, in my book, she has accomplished it. Ariana loves her baby sister Isabella!

Ariana is learning body parts. She can point to her hair, ear, nose, and mouth. She likes to brush her own teeth and hair (of course I still do it for her too). She also knows how to sign "eat" to show that she's hungry and "please" to ask for something. She says "mama" all the time.

Ariana also has developed a very big attitude. While she's still as sweet as ever, she's equally sassy now (and very sensitive too). Ariana demands attention anytime she is awake; if someone steps out of her sight, she'll let out a siren wail to let them know that their behavior is unacceptable. Other times she lets out her siren wail include when Gabe shrieks (even if it's playful and not loud), when she hears any loud noise, when she has to get her bib put on, when she has to eat something she doesn't like, sometimes at bedtime, when she doesn't want to sit in her chair, when she wants to sit up, and various other times of the day. Whining is also a common occurrence. Ariana is my best friend and smiliest baby, but right now, she is definitely my most demanding child.

Gabriel is full of surprises each and every day. He has been talking non-stop, and I just am constantly amazed by his ever increasing vocabulary. I have stopped writing Gabe's words down, because I just can't keep up, but I would estimate his vocabulary to be roughly 100 words. While Gabe's pronunciation of the words is not quite as advanced, he makes himself clear because he will whine and shake his head until I can prove that I have understood him.

Gabe has currently mastered most of his colors. The exceptions are orange and brown. He consistently calls brown "black" and orange "gee" though, which shows me that he gets the concept. Gabe is also learning his shapes. So far, he has learned circle "kirkle", oval "ovo", moon "moo", heart "hut", star "sta", square "ware", and triange "tagle".

Gabe lets us know when he's about to go potty by announcing "poo poo" and signing it at the same time. And no, I'm not ready to start potty training even if he is.

In this past month, Gabe has figured out how to walk up and down the stairs while holding on the the railing. He has been trying to walk up the stairs without the railing, but I don't let him. Gabe loves to climb up slides and slide back down them. While he really enjoys the park, his favorite place is the play area at the malls. He has no fear at all, and plays right up there with the big kids every opportunity he gets. Other favorites this month include apples, cars, airplanes, balls, walking on river rocks, the pet store (dogs), rough-and-tumble play, puzzles, and his "Brainy Baby" DVD. He loves to wave bye to people in the window as they drive away in their cars, to point to the moon every night, playing with older kids, and reading books. He hates getting his diaper changed, when people leave suddenly, and sitting in the stroller.
Gabe got to hang out with his cousin Vance.

Gabe's behavior has changed pretty dramatically ever since he realized that he is capable of communication and rapid mobility. He seemed to get his strong willed intensity from his mom and his mischeviousness and sense of reckless rebellion from his dad. It's a dangerous combination for a toddler. Gabe is going through a hitting and throwing stage right now. He frequently puts himself in time out (without being asked) when he does something he knows is wrong, which funny and a little scary at the same time. On the brighter side, however, Gabe is also learning how to play independently. He traipses in and out of rooms, up and down the stairs, and doesn't need to have constant companionship to have a good time (or wreck the house). This is quite a relief, as you can imagine, because I have two that are in constant need of my "undivided attention" at all times, and it's hard to stand up, let alone get anything done in the day.

Fun month! I love watching them grow :)


The Shobes said...

Wow! I feel like I haven't missed a thing! You call that a short post? You're really good at this! I am so happy for Ari. She is doing so great! What an angel. And Gabe cracks me up. I can't believe he puts himself in time-out. When I read about him - he reminds me so much of Vance - like the walking over rocks and loving the moon! So cute! I hope you're hanging in there okay. We'll see you soon!

Rebecca Lynch said...

Great post... So good to catch up with these two... next time we come down, we'll have to be sure to catch the twins while they're up! Wanna kiss those cheeks!