Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Liam at 9 Months

As I am writing this, I am in total disbelief that I just typed 9 months!  For one thing, I just can’t get even come to terms with the fact that nine whole months has crept by.  My baby will be a year old before I even have a chance to type another word or take another breath it seems.  Time is just flying by too fast.  On the other hand, I can’t believe it’s been nine months, because Liam doesn’t really behave like a 9 month old in a few (motoric) ways.  Namely, Liam isn’t crawling or army crawling (despite his best efforts).  He doesn’t roll to get around, although he is capable of rolling.  He doesn’t like to bear weight on his legs either.  This worried me, so at Liam’s 9 month check-up, I brought it up, and we are going to get Liam evaluated for physical therapy coming up here pretty soon. 

In other ways, this month was a rough one for me, especially when it came to Liam.  Liam got very sick this month.  He was hit with some back-to-back viruses, including what appeared to be RSV with a nasty cough and a week long fever; that ear infection from the previous month never completely resolved until two rounds of antibiotics later; and he cut another two teeth (his top incisors).  One other curious thing that happened was that his head circumference shot off the charts.  This is most likely not a cause for concern, as I was told repeatedly, but it is does warrant a head MRI within the next month, just to make sure nothing besides “familial causes” (aka Jake’s head size genes) is to blame.  I do hate to write a whiny post, but Liam has been acting bothered in general this month, totally unlike the easy baby I bragged about for months in the beginning.  He is itchy, because of his eczema which won’t go away even with topical hydrocortisone multiple times per day.  His appetite can almost never be satiated. This baby could eat a ten year old under the table! He seems to be having some of the worst separation anxiety I have ever experienced (he needs me holding him all. the. time).  He has been crying more and smiling less.  Overall, this has got me somewhat topsy turvy, as I feel like I didn’t fully feel the weight of a fourth child until now… in the ninth month.  Am I okay?  Yes, I’m fine.  Just feeling a little frazzled, behind on my work/chores, and guilty to my other kids (and husband), but fine overall.  And I love him like crazy.  Even at 4 AM, he looks and feels so dreamy that I hate to put him back to bed after feeding him.  I love the way his hair feels on my cheek and the way he smells.  He still smells so good and babyish.  I love rubbing his back and hearing him sigh deeply in my arms.  Baby sighs and baby smells dissolve stress and anxiety.  It’s a fact.


•  Pivots on his tummy in a circle

•  Eats at least 8 oz. of baby food per meal, plus a high chair tray full of cut up table foods!

•  Lets his opinion be known!  He bosses his brother and sister around and slaps their faces when they get too close to him, especially around food.

•  Can reach far in all directions when in sitting to bring his toys closer to him.

•  Sits in a grocery cart and a restaurant high chair at the table

•  Tries to imitate our facial expressions

• Gives wet, sloppy kisses on request!

Oh, hello Mommy.   DSC_0397

Why, yes!  Of course, I want to play a game!  What kind of game?


Oh, wait a minute.  You just moved my lizard.  That’s MY lizard.             


Now I have to reach for my lizard.  Why are you just sitting and watching while I am clearly struggling here, trying to get my lizard?  Kind of rude.


Just one more inch and…


Yes!  Now, you will go the way of all lizards before you.


I liked that game. 


I think we’re done here.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Gabe & Ari’s Camping 6 Year Birthday Party

The Taylor Twins turned six, so this called for a double celebration.  I figured that I needed to plan a party that would accommodate a seriously huge number of kids, because that’s what we were working with.  I love big parties; watching my kids laugh and play with their friends, having an excuse to have one giant play date, the cooking and prepping… all of it.  This year, we threw a Camp Out party.  We had an impressive turn-out, and I think everyone had a great time. 

Here’s how it’s done:


The Campsite: We had three tents set up.  Many kids brought their sleeping bags just for fun (and extra seating).


The Birthday Boy & Birthday Girl:  Gabe & Ari.  My whole family wore tie dye, because that’s all I can remember wanting to wear to camp when I was a kid.


On the menu:  Mud Sliders, Roasted Weenies in Blankets, Ants on a Log, Acorn cookies, Bowl of Dirt (with critters), S’mores Pops, Trail Mix, Creature Candy (gummy/chocolate worms, frogs, rocks, & toasted marshmallow jelly beans), and our Camp cake with Bug Juice to wash it all down.


Activities included Tug of War, a Nature Scavenger Hunt, Roasting Marshmallows & playing in the tents.  I put name tags on each kid to go along with the theme, but also to help me out with remembering names.  I would definitely do this again!


Every camper got an LED Flashlight as a party favor and for use in their scavenger hunt (just in case it got dark out).


I broke the group up into four teams for the scavenger hunt to keep the number of kids on each team manageable.  They each decided on a team name and a cheer. I wish I could remember what they were now, because they were all so funny and creative.


Scavenged treasures from The Trails Park:


The wind made keeping the fires lit a little tricky, but the marshmallow roast was still a success!


They played and socialized with their friends.


Camp Cake was a hit.


My poor baby Liam was not feeling well the whole day… or for two weeks after that.  He’s finally better now.



Happy trails! 
