Friday, June 28, 2013

Kindergarten Graduation

Thinking about how the past year has flown by has been making me feel extra sentimental.  Kindergarten was a total hit.  I am happy for that. 

Gabe made friends with everybody in his class, and made two or three best buddies.  He aced everything he did, which I always knew he would.  He grew a great love of really annoying books (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Captain Underpants, Ook and Gluk, and others), which I allowed despite the bad manners it condones so as not to discourage his love of reading.  He was doing really well at adding three digit numbers at the end of the year.  He told me his favorite time of the day was recess, and his favorite special was PE.  Best of all, he loved school, and he was proud of his accomplishments, loaded with school spirit, and jump-up-and-down-excited to see his classmates.  When I’d ask him each afternoon what his favorite part of the day was, he’d almost always reply “They were all my favorite parts.”  This is a far cry from what he used to report to me in the first few weeks of school, when he would tell me how sad he was at recess that so and so didn’t want to play the game he wanted to play and so he sat under the play structure and cried (oh, my heart broke when I heart that).  No, this boy is one that has grown a confidence in himself both socially and academically.  He has a pleaser personality, a penchant for rule-following, a dominant goofy streak, a sullen side that shows itself when he hasn’t eaten enough lunch, and a love of learning.  I adore him.

Ari made so much progress, I can’t even scratch the surface.  I’d have to refer to her Kindergarten binder to remember more than this.  Ari is getting really good at letter, color (especially), and number identification.  She has been able to spell her first name using letter cards, consistently and without assistance.  A couple times, she even spelled Ari Taylor correctly with the letter cards, without any help.  She knows how to write her first name (Ari), with only light support at the wrist.  She sits and completes her schoolwork and homework much better and with increased focus.  She enjoys trying to cut, glue, and color.  She knows her letter sounds and can identify the letter that makes whichever sound.  She can even make many letter sounds verbally when asked, including A, B, D, E, F, H, J, K (inconsistent), L, M, O, P, T, U, V.  She is working on counting, and identifying words that begin with which letter.  She loves music and adapted PE.  She participates in class, and chats and jokes with her friends.  She is the happiest person I know, and faces adversity with a smile on her face always.  She is knock-your-socks-off smart, and is consistently underestimated by those who don’t see her often or who are new to her.  People who don’t know her well and see her only intermittently always feel the need to tell me how great Ari is doing, and express their pleasure at witnessing her improvement.  That’s nice and all, but what I’m really thinking when I hear that is, “Thanks for finally noticing.  I’d be happy to show you what is new growth, but that?  She’s been doing that for years.”  Ari is an inspiration to me and to everyone in her life.  She works so hard to overcome her challenges, all the while bringing a spirit of compassion and community and caring and love with her wherever she goes.  She is my sunshine.


Gabe was probably looking forward to his graduation program as much as I was.  He had been preparing for weeks, even in his spare time, rehearsing the songs and warning me about which parts were sure to make me cry. 


Gabe said he wanted to be a police officer when he grows up.  He loves the idea of fighting villains.


He looks so proud :).


Ari (with the help of Mrs. Oliver) said that she wants to design her own line of shoes when she grows up.  Ari thought this was awesome, as you can tell by the look on her face… a mix of pride, amusement, and bashfulness.


I am so proud of them both.  I am also grateful for everyone who helped make this year productive and fun for my twins.  It takes so many truly amazing people to make this the wonderful experience that it was. 

Hooray for my Kindergarten grads!!!

Friday, June 21, 2013


Memorial Day weekend officially marks the beginning of summer in my book, with the temps already in the high 90’s and with getting to wear white shorts and all.  The first must-do on our summer bucket list, right after opening the pool, was definitely peach picking.  There are only a few days out of the year when Schnepf Farms opens up its orchards for the U-pick, and we went on the very last day this year.  We had a picnic lunch and sampled all the peach products, from peach salsas to peach BBQ sauces, jams, and candies.  


hopped on a tractor trailer, and they brought us to the very last few rows of peach trees that hadn’t yet been picked over.  Jake found a secret patch of trees dripping with the ripest peaches, and we hung out there for the duration, consuming about the same amount as we brought home right there on the spot.  Everyone picked and ate until we were so hot and sweaty and itchy from peach fuzz and dirt that we decided to call it good and head home with our spoils and jump into the pool.


Peaches, unfortunately, weren’t the only thing Liam decided to eat while we were there.  I didn’t catch him with this clump of dirt until it was too late.  He was actually much dirtier than the pictures show… and he pooped dirt for days.


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Memorial Weekend: Nana & Papa’s B&B


We went to Nana & Papa’s house for Memorial Day.  We had a great time swimming, lounging around, playing, and eating… especially eating.  We also had the pleasant surprise of getting to see our childhood neighbor and best friend, Janine for a visit that was short but sweet.


I played my mom and Leah in badminton.  Leah and I can both get pretty competitive.  Lucky for Leah, she decided half-way through our game that it “wasn’t a real game”.  Also, fortunately for her, the fake game of badminton we were playing ended suddenly when I ruined my racket by hitting the birdie a little too strong.  Leah, don’t be mad ;).
