Monday, June 30, 2008

Thrombophilia Test Results

Well, as it turns out, I tested negative for Factor V Leiden (one of the two clotting disorders that Ariana has) but positive for both components of (homozygous) MTHFR mutation (Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase). This has several implications for our family. First of all, it tells us that Jake has the Factor V Leiden clotting disorder, and that he probably does not have MTHFR. It also puts me at a high risk of developing clots during this and subsequent pregnancies. My doctor is sending me back for a follow-up with the "high risk doctors" at Fetal Women's Center, during which they will evaluate whether or not they feel that I need injectable blood thinners for the remaining duration of my pregnancy & any subsequent pregnancies. I am really hoping that this is not the case, but it most likely will be and I'm preparing myself for that potential reality.
MTHFR is the name of a gene that produces an enzyme, also called methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. If a person carries the genetic mutation that inhibits production of this enzyme (like my children & I do), it can result in hyperhomocytenemia, which is an elevated level of an enzyme called homocysteine found in blood plasma (what puts a person at an increased risk of clots). However, some individuals with MTHFR gene have normal homocysteine levels, meaning that these individuals are not at an increased risk of clots. Me, along with Gabe & Ari, will be checked with regular blood tests to make sure that our homocysteine levels are within normal limits.
When the body is deficient in methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase, its ability to absorb folate (also known as vitamin B9), such as folic acid, is inhibited. Folic acid and B9 are both essential to the development and health of the fetus. Because of a mother with MTHFR's inability to efficiently metabolize folic acid and vitamin B9, the disorder has been linked to a variety of pregnancy complications such as chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome, and congenital malformations (such as Isabella's Transverse Limb Reduction Defect). Aside from pregnancy complications, MTHFR has three main symptoms: 1)blot clots or early cardiovascular disease 2)anxiety 3)depression. Sounds lovely, doesn't it? One general treatment (which is just maintenence, not a cure) is taking a daily folic acid & vitamin B supplement. Gabe & Ariana already do this. In the future, I have to abstain from any form of hormonal birth control (including the pill, IUDs, etc.) and prolonged periods of immobility. So that's the low down.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Inspiration: Team Hoyt

This video is about a boy who had cerebral palsy. He was confined to a wheelchair & couldn't talk. His dream was to compete in triathalons. He let his family know his desires by communicating with a device placed on his head. With the movements he made, the letters were formed on the computer screen. The father who is 60 years old has decided to do this for his son.
Before you play the video, make sure that you scroll down to the bottom of my blog & turn off the playlist (press pause) so you can hear the video.

Friday, June 20, 2008


Thanks to Amber, I've just been tagged in this little blogger game :). Here goes. How To Play This Game of Tag: Post these rules on your blog. List: 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, & 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog!
3 Joys:
1. My little family. I love the way Gabriel is playing so well these days. He loves hide-n-seek and to surprise us when he pops out from behind a corner. He has been so snugly and kind of needy, and I know that I should encourage his independence, but I really don't want to right now. I love that he loves me. He often just comes up and throws himself on me giggling or just sits in my lap when I'm playing with Ariana or sneaks up behind me and plays with my hair. I love how my little Ariana is getting so much spunk! She is turning into a toddler (without the toddling) right before my eyes. She knows what she wants right now, and man does she let you know. She is getting such a sense of humor -- she laughs these huge belly laughs at the silliest things (usually something Gabe is doing), and I don't think she ever stops smiling. Jake is the best husband ever. I say it a lot, but I don't think I could ever say it enough to do him justice. He loves us unconditionally, and he works so hard for us. He makes me feel beautiful every day.
2. Food. And not just any food, but good food. I can get very excited about something really delicious. If it's free, it's just that much better. Some people have marveled at how I can still get up the motivation to cook so called "elaborate" meals every night, when there's just so little time in my day (by the way, they're not elaborate, they're simple). My standard answer is that I like to cook, because I like to eat, and I would never ever cook anything that I didn't really want to eat. In other words, I'm kinda selfish about all things culinary -- Jake's just lucky he married a hungry girl. Recently, I got hired as a "secret shopper" (a.k.a. low paid restaurant reviewer) for a company called Coyle Hospitality. Jake & I are going on our second free dinner date this Sunday to Firebirds (last time it was Bloom), and I just can't wait. Crab cakes & prime rib here I come!
3. Vacation. I love to travel... a lot. It's one of my passions in life. Lucky that Jake & I share it, because I could never be with a person that wasn't willing to traipse the planet with me. I think it's needless to say that we haven't gotten to go anywhere in way to long (since before I was pregnant with the twins). We are going on our first vacation since on July 15th - July 21st to the Dominican Republic, and we are taking the whole crew. I am so excited. I believe that people who never get away are just wound way too tight! I know that I am when I've been stuck for too long. I need to get out of my element, get a change of scenery, see some beautiful sites, break my routine, nap, ditch technology, and spend more than 3 consecutive awake hours in my husband's presence at a time for me to really relax.
3 Fears:
1. Losing a child or my husband. I don't know if it's just me (I'd like to think it's all moms), but I've gotten pretty paranoid about death and other tragedies ever since I had my twins. I just know I would lose it completely if I lost one of them. Okay, that's enough -- I'm freaking out here.
2. Spiders. They are freaky. They have lots of legs. They can be hairy. They have lots of eyes and can see you in every direction. They play dead (sneaky!). They can jump. They have fangs. They are probably the only insect that will run towards you, rather than away, when you are chasing it. Lastly, I don't care what anyone says about how they can't hurt you -- they can! They can be very poisonous (especially the ones in Arizona), and are resistant to insecticide unless you have killed off their entire food source.
3. 2012. Okay, so this isn't really a fear, but I stand by it until proven wrong. I think that the world is going to end in the year 2012. Call me crazy (and you wouldn't be the first), but all signs point to yes, especially Obama winning the Presidential race.
3 Goals:
1. Ariana. So Ariana isn't really a goal, but I have so many goals for her that I had to put her name. In the short term, I want her to be eating only solid foods (not pureed baby foods) by the time we go on vacation. We are almost there. I haven't opened a jar of baby food in at least 2 days. I want her to be sitting independently by the time Isabella is born. I want her to crawl before Isabella does (& I want Isabella to crawl on time), and for her to walk before preschool (3 years old).
2. Graduate degree & fulfilling work. I want to finish my Masters in Counseling (I have about 2/3 of the way left to go), get a law degree, or both. I want to go to work eventually (after all my kids are in school), and love my, love my work. I don't want a "job" (I know, cliché). I want to feel like I helped myself by helping others every single day. I want to be somebody's advocate. If you know me, you'll know that I need this. When I'm not being my children's advocate, I'm playing the devil's advocate. I need to fight a righteous battle or help others to do so or I'm not happy.
3. Pottery Barn Perfection. You know how you feel when you open up a Pottery Barn catalog? Like this world doesn't really exist for most people, but oh my gosh does it look refreshing? Dusted furniture, everything in its place, Norman Rockwell style Christmases with wood-burning fireplaces & mugs of hot cocoa, summertime kids running through sprinklers in the backyard, a clambake on the dock by the lakehouse, colorful drinks with sliced limes on sparkling glassware on the deckchair side tables? It's not just furniture people. For me, it's a small dream of a way of life where leisure and home life are central. Bills, errands? Well, they are nicely catalogued in the business center organizers, labeled envelope bins, and stylish filing cabinets; not to interfere with...well, life. 3 Obsessions or Collections:
1. My blog. It's addicting. I have always loved journaling. Written school assignments were never too much of a chore for me either. This is the best of both worlds: journaling with an actual reader. Surprisingly, it doesn't take half as much time for me to blog as it would be to keep a written journal, because I am a fast typer (my claim to fame).
2. My Babies (& their schedules)! There, I admitted it. I keep a pretty tight routine for my twins, and I like it. I'm only 10% flexible on it, and I reserve the right to decide where, when, & how to adjust it. My babies are happy -- what can I say? I'm not going to pretend not to take any credit for that. And another little thing... I get to keep my sanity. I am the type that would just hit the wall if I had to spend the day putting out fires. It's not my style. I'll take my "Type A" label, thankyouverymuch.
3. Sharks. I love sharks. I have dreams about swimming with sharks & befriending sharks. I have scuba dove with a school of about 40 10-ft. sharks and it was one of my best memories. I think it stems from my toddlerhood obsession with dinosaurs. There is just something appealing to be about forming alliances with ferocious beasts. Surprising facts:
I don't know if I can surprise anyone with any facts about myself because I'm a pretty open book, but I will list a few (more than 3) and maybe one will catch someone by surprise. Sorry, but I'm just not that mysterious. I got engaged at 19 and married at 20 years old to my husband who is 10 years my senior. I am a convert to the LDS (a.k.a Mormon) church 1 1/2 years ago and was raised Jewish. I am half Korean and half Eastern European (Russian, Polish, English, Latvian). I used to be a party girl, and that's how I met my hubby (who says it doesn't pay off to be a little crazy every once in a while?). I graduated high school with a 5.0 GPA and college with a 4.0 GPA (sorry, that was obnoxious). I have a really good memory & can recall conversations verbatim. Aside from being a mom, my dream job would be to be a CIA agent, American spy, military sniper, or an arms dealer. I'll bet no one saw that last one coming.

I tag Alison, April, Emily, Kassidi, & Kristen.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Baby Books Published

I finally finished the babies' baby book photo books. I have been working on them for what seems like forever! Here are links to view the photo books if you'd like to see them.
Gabriel's book:
Ariana's book:

24 Week Ultrasound

I had my 24 week ultrasound yesterday. It was really fun to see Isabella, but I was so unusually tired I almost fell asleep right there on the ultrasound table. Isabella is growing right on schedule for a 24 week baby. She currently weighs 1 lb. 5 oz. and is about 12'' long. She has turned head-down (instead of breach), and hopefully she stays that way. The ultrasound yesterday was a follow-up regarding her arm but also to take an in-depth look at her heart functioning. Everything looks perfect. I can't say that I was prepared to hear any different, but I am relieved nonetheless. We got some great 3-D pictures, and Jake and I agree that she already looks just like her sister, Ariana. Those full lips and little nose are unmistakeable. She even has some cheeks already. What a cutie!
After my ultrasound, I got a full thrombophilia panel drawn (I felt like I was donating blood -- they took like 10 vials!) to see if I have any of the clotting genes. If I do, then I will need to start on injectable blood thinners as soon as possible during my pregnancy, because I will be at high risk of forming a clot. If I don't, then it falls on Jake, and we'll both have to start being more careful with his health.
Here are my 24 week belly pics:

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Fathers Day & Jake's 34th Birthday

Fathers Day was a pretty low key day. We went to church, took naps, ran a couple errands, and then went to my parents' house for a small celebration (also to celebrate Jake's 34th birthday with my family). My family made a gourmet hamburger spread with an ice cream cake for dessert. I gave Jake a set of 35 lb. kettlebells (Russian weights -- don't ask), some supplements, and a card. The only thing that he didn't pick out was the card, so I tried to make it extra special. Jake always wants work out gear for gifts, so he has quite a collection (although he might dispute that). On Jake's actual birthday (today), Chantelle, Brayden, & Trevor came over for dinner & cake and stayed the night. It was so much fun to see them, because we hardly ever get to anymore. I actually baked the birthday cake myself, and although it took me forever, I am pretty darn proud of it. I baked a version of the "Better than Sex" cake, and I even made the sweetened condensed milk from scratch (because I didn't have any). It was supposed to be a double layer cake, but the top layer cracked, so it had to be a single layer. This happens to me almost every time I bake cakes.
It's so hard to believe that the year has gone by so fast. Happy father's day & birthday to the best daddy and husband in the whole world -- I love you!
Aren't they both just so handsome?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ariana's EEG

Last Monday, Jake and I took the kids on a field trip to St. Joseph's Hospital. Ariana had an EEG scheduled -- her 4th since she was born and 2nd since leaving the hospital. It was a long overdue test, trying to check to see if Ari was still having irregular brain wave activity (which is an indication of seizures or seizure risk). Ariana was such a good sport even though she hates doctors and laying on doctor beds (not to mention people gluing wires to her head). She got to drink her bottle and watch a Baby Einstein DVD on the portable DVD player that the Child Life Specialist brought her, and Gabe got to play in his stroller with all kinds of new toys. Thank goodness that she and Jake were there, because the whole ordeal lasted more than an hour. I had to harrass the hospital staff to call me back about the results, as usual, but I finally go the call yesterday. This was the 1st that turned out normal! This is awesome news! It might mean that Ariana will get to come off of her Phenobarbitol in 6 months or so. They like to see 2 normal EEGs, usually spaced 6 months or 1 year apart before weaning off meds. Knowing how insistent I can be to the doctors, I would guess that Ari's wait will be the shorter of the two.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Ear Infection & Teething

Okay, everyone who I've been putting off coming over is in the clear now. I think we're better. Everyone is just a little congested still, but on the upswing at least. Oh, and Gabe has a left middle ear infection, but Jake caught that on Saturday (after he realized that nothing we did would ease Gabe's pain -- apparently, it hurt... he was writhing on the bed). We visited the urgent care next to our house that morning (very convenient). He has only 2 more days left of his antibiotic for that. Ariana is eating and drinking poorly, but I think that it's just because she is cutting 4 teeth right now, and 2 of them are molars. She barely wants anything near her mouth... well, she wants to try everything, but only once, and as for drinking, it takes forever to get her to finish. Oh well, I'm sure it will pass in a week or so. Gabe is back to walking everywhere (when he was really sick, he only wanted to crawl or be held), so that's a good indication that he's back to good spirits. Now, if only I can get our health to stick around...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sick Day

Today, it all caught up to us. Last Thursday, Jake woke up with a cold flu. Although I felt horrible that he was sick, I was really relieved that we didn't seem to be catching it. I thought that once you were symptomatic, you shouldn't be contageous anymore. Well, whoever said that was wrong. On Sunday (4 days into Jake's flu), I woke up with it. I silently kicked myself for kissing him before he got better. We Taylors have a tendency to be overconfident in our immunity to illness. Monday, Ari woke up miserable. Tuesday (today), Gabe was a mess. Now, you'd think that by today at least Jake would be starting to fight this thing off. Well, many packets of Immune Defense and Theraflu later, we are still in the thick of it. This afternoon, Jake came home early and we all took a 2 1/2 hour nap in a vain attempt to recoup. I can't believe it's only Tuesday -- I feel like we've been doing this all week already. Please send some get well germs our way.
poor Gabey BabyI try to get a picture of my sick little Ari that accurately depicts her misery, and what does she do? Smile, of course.

She left me no choice, I had to take a booger shot. My poor sweet thing.