Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter at Home

We stayed in town for Easter this year. I thought it was a really great weekend -- simple and fun and full of beautiful weather.
On Saturday, we went to the Edward's house and my kids got to dye Easter eggs with two of their best friends, Lana & Kiera. Gabe was so distracted with his newest favorite movie ("The Princess and The Frog") that he was in a trance the entire time. I wonder if he even remembers dying the eggs :). Ari and Isabella were very into it, but weren't sufficiently satisfied until the eggs had been eaten!
In the evening, we went to our friends', the Erickson's, church for an Easter egg hunt. Thousands of eggs were scattererd on the grass, so it wasn't as much of a hunt for eggs as it was a gathering of eggs. The kids loved it, and it was definitely a good one for beginners.On Easter, we just hung out and watched a little bit of General Conference. The kids got to eat from their Easter baskets, which contained candy-filled eggs (well... maybe not filled. Each egg contained the equivalent of about one M&M or jellybean, which was still enough to give them a sugar high) and "bunny food" a.k.a. trail mix. I made a roast chicken and roasted asparagus and steamed king crab legs for dinner. It was just our family, but it was really, really nice. I hope everyone had a good Easter as well.


Karmann said...

Love the pictures of the kids!!! Bella's hair is coming in and she is looking so grown up and oh so cute!!! We are hoping to make it to town sometime this summer! I hope we can see you! I miss you so!!! I am so glad you had such a good Easter! XOXOXO!!!!

Alison said...

Sounds like you guys had a great Easter. I wish we could have all been together. And I love your new camera. The pictures are beautiful!