Thursday, July 15, 2010

Swimming Lessons

We got the kids involved in swimming lessons this month, and it has been wonderful. They have all improved so much, and all three truly look foward to it every day.

Gabe starts asking me if he can go to swimming lessons from the minute he wakes up in the morning. When I inform him that we have to wait until tonight (lessons start at 6 PM), he tells me "I don't want to. I want to go to swimming lessons!" Gabe has gone from being fearful of the water and clinging to us in the water to jumping in and going under to retrieve rings off the bottom of the pool. He does bobs, monkey crawls along the wall, and even can "swim" with some support a few feet. He really admires his teacher, Mr. Steven, who is great with him.

I ask Ari questions about her lessons every night before bed when we have our "talks", and she tells me that she loves swimming lessons and loves playing in the water, but that going under makes her scared (a conversation of many yes/no questions on my end; nodding, head shaking, facial expressions, and sounds on Ari's end). But she doesn't fool me, because she puts her face right back in the water the very next day and comes up grinning from ear to ear -- it just needs to be on her terms. Ari was always comfortable in the water, but she really looks like a swimmer out there. She does stop kicking and scooping from time to time or forget to close her mouth and hold her breath, but I think she'll get the hang of it in a couple summers. She really impresses her teacher, Miss Tory.

Isabella used to be very anxious in the water and even resisted getting in our pool at home because she was afraid of the depth (not that we ever let her go). She wouldn't let us tow her foward or hold her on her back either. Now, she is comfortable on her tummy and her back in the water, is blowing bubbles, and even goes under water while holding her breath (huge breakthrough! Daddy gets the credit.). I had my doubts about how much we could actually accomplish in just eight sessions of lessons, but I was blown away with how much progress the kids made with the help of our teachers.

Gabe practices pushing off and "swimming" back to the wall with support. Gabe practices "monkey crawling" along the wall. The girls love to play "banana rock" and get tossed in the air. Both girls are feeling comfortable on their backs now -- a major improvement since before lessons. Of all my three children, Ari is the most comfortable in the water. She kicks and scoops with her left hand while having her entire face under water. She loves swimming lessons. It is really her time to shine.Isabella learned to kick and blow bubbles in the water.
Gabe loves practicing bobs. Well, in principle yes, he loves bobs... in practice, they give him a little anxiety. But, he'll do anything to try and impress Mr. Steven, so he's a really good sport. Isabella learned how to hold her breath and pinch her nose before she goes under water.

1 comment:

Chrissy Edwards said...

Hey - this reminded me that WE need to get into swim lessons! Where do you go for yours?