Monday, August 2, 2010

My Birthday Bonanza

I was so spoiled this whole week for my 26th birthday. Last year was a hard birthday for me; really a turning point and coming of age for me. This year was entirely different in a very good way. I felt only the most positive, self-assured emotions the entire week. And it's no wonder why when you consider that nearly every possible moment was filled with fun and family and friends and summer celebrating. The weekend preceding my birthday, a large group of friends joined me for dinner at RnR restaurant in Scottsdale and then dancing later on. People came and went throughout the evening, and I got to revel in feeling young and free again... even if it was just for one night. :)


Jacob and I.


My sisters and I.

On the actual night of my birthday, my sisters and their boyfriends came over for dinner. We ended up ordering pizza and whipping up some quick chicken in the pressure cooker so I wouldn't have to cook anything elaborate. Then Jacob surprised me with the most gorgeous and delicious cake that has ever come before me. He got it from my favorite bakery, Tammy Coe Cakes. He also bought me this camera lens for my Nikon, which is a 35mm f/1.8 that I've been wanting forever (ever since Gabe broke the lens that came with my camera two days after I got it). I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful and amazing husband.

We all spent that night tickling the kids, eating until we were gorged, and laughing and talking and playing long after the kids were sound asleep in their beds. It was a great night.


Goran & Leah cuddling my girls. Goran is one of Ari's favorite people. She is always watching him out of the corner of her eye with a shy grin on her face.


Aunt Marci fed Ari her chocolate hazelnut cake to earn extra brownie points.





Almost too beautiful to eat!

I have only ever wished for one thing ever since Ari was born; every eyelash, every penny, every shooting star, every birthday. Hence the look on my face... I take my wishes very seriously.


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