Monday, November 1, 2010

San Diego Vacay: Day 4

A million years later… the final day of our trip to San Diego.  Here it is:

The weather, like I said previously, didn’t really deliver in San Diego spirit as you can tell by our leg warmers, long sleeves/pants, and scarves.  It hovered somewhere in the high sixties pretty much the duration of the trip.  But you can’t just leave San Diego without a trip to the beach, can you?  Even if it is just to walk the boardwalk and maybe quick jaunt through little mounds of dry sand with shoes on right before the long drive home…

Even if it is just for thirty minutes…

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Even if we just quickly try out the beach wheelchair on the wet sand…

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And everyone is the happiest they’ve been the whole day… quite possibly the whole trip… possibly even in a long, long time.  Because who can go to the Pacific Ocean, breathe the fresh salty air, feel the warm sun through the clouds, put their toes in the wet sand, and not feel happy?


Okay, maybe the ocean just snuck up on us a little bit…

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Or maybe we snuck up on it. :)

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Either way, it doesn’t get any better than this:


Or does it…


(Insert imagination here.)  I missed the shot of little Bella entirely in the water after her little stumble.  But judging by hers and Gabe’s and Ari’s faces, it couldn’t have been any cuter. 

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After that, we finally decided that all that fun and wonder was making us a little chilly, so we stripped those little sandy, salty babes down to nothing and showered them off right there on the boardwalk.  Then we cuddled up in fresh, warm clothes and embarked on the long journey home.  Goodbye for now San Diego!

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