Monday, April 25, 2011

Play Date Pastimes

When the sun shines strong enough for tank tops and flip flops, but the pavement is still cool enough to sit on, you can find us outside in the world.  We’ll be living life as it was meant to be lived; covered in sidewalk chalk and grass stains.  You can bet we’ll be with friends… soaking up every minute with the smell of fresh cut grass, the cool breeze, the warm rays of light on our backs, the sounds of giggling kids, and loving everything that comes with our springtime (some might call it summer, but we know better).

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We never can go inside without needing a full-on sink bath.  It comes with the territory, I believe.


She’s practicing identifying letters.


Our adorable girlfriends, Taya and Melia, and their amazing mama, Jane.

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We had two picnics in our front yard last weekend.  I say it’s the perfect spot for that.  Close enough to home that we can run in and out for whatever we need, but far enough away to still be novel and spare my kitchen one more mess.  Then Chrissy, Mike, Lana, & Kiera brought over an insane quantity of chicken nuggets that we somehow managed to devour in full…


Poor Isabella.  Try as I may to take a photo of her without a full mouth, she thwarts me at every turn.  Not an easy feat.

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Mr. Mike entertained the kids with his IPhone.  Never fails to get instant adoration from the littles.


Gabe & his girl, Lana.  One of many pre-engagement photos.

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Maybe this should’ve been a post all on it’s own.  We went ice blocking with the Webbs, for the first time ever, and it rocked!  I want to do this every weekend now.  The only part that was a downer was when we were told that ice blocking is prohibited at the park!  Who knew?  No matter, each of the kids got a few turns down the hill and smiled until their cheeks hurt.  So it left us wanting more.  Who’s up for it?   

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