Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gabe, the Thanksgiving ham

Gabe’s preschool class put on a Thanksgiving program and hosted a little “feast” for the parents.  Gabe asked me at least five times a day for a week if I would please come to his Thanksgiving feast.  I said “yes” every time.  I ducked out of work so I could accept the invitation.  Gabe wanted me to know that when I came to the feast, he planned to introduce me to each of his friends and his teacher too (I’ve met them all before, but this was his idea).  When I arrived, he greeted me with the warmest welcome I’ve ever received anywhere, and true to his promise, he introduced me to every person there, one-by-one.  He sang his little heart out and remembered all of his lines without any prompting in the program.  He hammed it up,  It was one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen him do.

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I love this crazy kid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gabe is such a joy to behold!!! You are so lucky to have such a wonderful boy for your son, Elisa... He is always so proud of all his performances, and he sure does love his mommy and daddy!!!

Grateful Nana Starr