Monday, November 5, 2012

Super Halloween

My four kids had a super time being super heroes this Halloween.  Now let me first say that I’d love to be that mom/blogger that goes all out for every holiday and for Halloween picks one awesome theme that her whole family can stick to and hand sew/put together their costumes for a totally unique and downright impressive costume lineup… but I’m just not that chick.  And to be totally honest, Halloween is not my favorite holiday.  Thanksgiving and birthdays are totally my thing, but Halloween… um, let’s just say that it was a major accomplishment to get some minimal decorations up this year.  I did pull out the glue gun and the spray paint too, but only because I just can’t resist seeing my kids smile with glee. 

That said, all of my kids did decide to go with a super hero costume.  Nothing extravagant, but they were none the wiser.  In fact, they were over the moon with their getups.  Can you tell?

Gabe was the Green Lantern.  He informs me that this is his favorite super hero.  He’s never seen the movie or read the comic books for that matter, but he’s been into it ever since Daddy revealed that this was his childhood favorite. 


Catwoman Ari.  She liked to growl and pretend to paw at me.  She thought she looked bomb.  I wholeheartedly agree.


Captain America Girl.  Chica was most excited about getting to wear red lipstick. 


And, last but not least, baby Batman.  Awww.


We attended our street’s annual block party the Saturday before Halloween.  It is so much fun every year. 


The night of Halloween, we honored tradition and went trick-or-treating with the besties, Lana & Kiera.  Crazy how this year they just run ahead of us and know exactly what to do.  No hand holding or coaching required.  Even Ari was little miss independent and held her pail out expectantly in front of her every time a neighbor came to the door. 


And props to our neighborhood for being so cool when it comes to Halloween (and most other things too, as far as neighborhoods go).  Nearly every house has dressed its courtyard up as a haunted house.  Kids and teens in costume parade everywhere… the streets are bustling until 9 pm.  The trees have finally grown up and make everything look eerie and awesome.  And it seems that everyone has an unspoken pact to only pass out the good candy.  My little supers had a ball.


Now, if only I can make their candy last the month (shhhh… don’t tell, but it’s hidden in our bottom oven).

1 comment:

Paradise Found said...

I love these photos! My Captain America just got a look at the girl that should have been his wife. He's impressed :)