Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mommy Day

This year, I had one of my best Mother’s Days.  My first Mother’s Day as a newly expecting mom of twins was awesome and so was my first one as a mom of two, new beautiful three month old babies… but I think this one topped them.

This was the first Mother’s Day I have had where my kids were the ones who really wanted to make my day special.  They are at a beautiful age where they are aware of Mother’s Day and the meaning that they bring to it, and they actually care about how I am enjoying my day.  It was seriously precious.  I got spoiled with gifts… not expensive or even store-bought gifts, but the hand-made kind with handprint artwork and personalized drawings and cards and fill-in-the-blank surveys and coupons for hugs and helping hands.  I remembered being at the age they are now and making these gifts for my mom and feeling the anticipation of whether she would like my gift (she always did).  Remembering this time in my own childhood made me appreciate their gestures of love all the more.



I saved everything!DSC_0002

That afternoon, we went to TopIt for cupcakes while we awaited our dinner reservation.  It’s our little tradition to go to Chelsea’s Kitchen and have dinner on the patio for Mother’s Day.  I love their food, their beautiful patio, the wiki sticks for kids, the fact that my kids think their food is awesome and don’t have to be coaxed into eating each bite… and that my four kids eat free.  But mostly, I love it that we do this every year on Mother’s Day and only on this day.  I love traditions, because they set the day apart from the others and really define the moment.  I can very easily recall our past Mother’s Days because of our tradition.


After dinner, we drove down Exeter, which is my favorite street in Phoenix and took pictures of peoples houses for ideas on how to update the front elevation of our new house when the time comes.  And yes, we have a new house!  More on this soon…


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