Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fun Week At Carlson

The last week of October was one of my favorites.  The weather was so gorgeous that everywhere you went, people would greet you with “Isn’t this weather gorgeous?!”  You could hear it twenty times a day, and still you couldn’t agree more.  I’ve found that when weather gets like that, people tend to let their playful sides out.  Back in Buffalo, where I’m from, spring fever took on a whole new meaning.  Here, our spring is October.  And by “spring”, I just mean the month after a long, horrible weather hibernation.

Even the school days tended to take on a playful spirit. 

A few of the school activities we enjoyed in the final week of October:

Bella’s first Kindergarten field trip.  They went to Schnepf Farms to ride fair rides and pick pumpkins.  I tagged along, and it was a good one.


Going on the swings and the rollercoaster were all Bella’s idea, but she got a little nervous before every ride.  I was the same way at her age (and even occasionally now).  She loved them all once they were over, but she insisted that the rollercoaster made her “butt scared”… ‘you mean stomach?’… “No, my butt!”  I have to admit that I can relate!


I volunteered at Gabe’s class Pumpkin Party, where the kids got to do all things pumpkin.  Gabe made me feel so special when I was there.  I love getting to know all the kids in their classes.


The Carlson Boo Bash rocked!  No school knows how to throw a party like Carlson!  Of course, you can’t have an awesome party without awesome people… and Carlson totally wins in that department. 


Can we please press pause at October?

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