Saturday, June 14, 2014

Everyday Miracles

Here are a few recent everyday miracles…

Going on a date night with Jake.  I remember once again why I love him.

Attending a Memorial Day picnic thrown by my sister.  It was good times.

Being proud (and grateful) to be an American.

Loving my crazy family… especially their brand of crazy.

Apricots that are abundant and as sweet as can be.

Picking my apricots in the beauty of this morning.

Baking Liam’s 2 year birthday cake with my sweet aproned helpers.

Apricot pie galore.  Jam, fruit leather, and (of course) smoothies galore as well.

Feeling inspired by my strong and determined little cheerleader.

Appreciating gifts of yellow summer squash from my next-door neighbors. 

Celebrating Liam’s 2nd birthday “Goodnight Moon” style.  It’s the book he loves most.

In awe and disbelief that my little girl just attended her first sleepover.

Cousins/best friends who think alike… or is that sisters-in-laws/best friends who think alike.

A boy who loves to read and loves to learn… at the pace of 2 million words in his 1st grade year. 

A little girl who is so proud to be graduating Kindergarten, while I’m feeling bittersweet about it.

Relief from an unbelievably hot afternoon.

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