Thursday, July 17, 2014

My Baby is 2

For Liam’s 2nd birthday, I wanted to keep it intimate (and easy).  We only invited Liam’s very few friends and their families.  I wasn’t going to even do a theme, but then I remembered how much Liam loves the book ‘Goodnight Moon’.  He has been on a ‘Goodnight Moon’ kick actually, and he’d have me read it almost every night for the past month or so.  I figured if I was going to buy balloons, they might as well be red.  And if I was going to bake a cake, it might as well be a moon cake.  And if I had to put out a few decorations, why not make the colors coordinate with the book and arrange a telephone, a picture of a cow jumping over the moon, three little bears… you get the idea.  Which is how it turned into this little party, which I didn’t hardly even photograph.  I guess I was too busy chatting and eating and picking mulberries off our mulberry tree to take any worthwhile photos of all my efforts.

But Liam deserved to be celebrated, and I am glad I did it.  Liam is a both a heavy bundle of joy and a little troublemaker.  He is independent and stubborn and overpoweringly charming.  He is caught up with his gross motor milestones, but he isn’t one for chatter.  Rather than mess with finding the words to ask for something, he’d much rather do it himself.  He likes to scare me to death by climbing up on the counter and pouring himself a cup of water.  If he wants to go outside, he’ll put on any pair of shoes that he sees and just leave like it was no big deal.  He loves being around people, and I rarely see him playing away from the group.  Right now, he is into anything that belongs to Bella.  I guess he’s also pretty enchanted with Gabe’s things, but since Gabe is much more protective of his stuff than Bella is, Liam has been having his way with all of her makeup and accessories and shoes.  Other than that, he’s all boy and loves nothing more than to squirt us with a spray bottle, poke at bugs, play outside (even in the heat), throw balls, and dance to music.  I love this little guy who can turn anyone’s frown upside down in a matter of seconds with a flash of his mischievous grin.  I love that he loves my singing and cuddles up to me when I do it.  I love that he sits down to draw me a picture and proudly presents it when he’s done.  I am so glad that he came to our family.  He definitely completes our gang.


This was the last week of his mop of curls.  Now, he has a big boy cut, and it looks so sharp.  I kind of miss those messy baby locks though.


This is how all of our parties are now.  The kids don’t need or want games or organized activities.  They just romp and bike and chase each other and hit each other with plastic sticks and bats every now and then.  I like it.

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Goodnight baby.  Don’t grow so fast, ‘kay?

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