Monday, September 8, 2014

Everyday Miracles

Living close enough to our cousins that we can run over to collaborate on everything from errands to baking muffins.

The apple cinnamon muffins that used up the last of the apples off our tree from this season.

This girl taught herself how to hula hoop with such grace and beauty.  But there again, she does that with everything.

Beginning the preparations for yet another of my children’s birthday parties.

Working hand in hand with Jake to clean Ari’s wheelchair.  Truly one of the most rewarding small projects we’ve done in a while.

Watching Bella have so much fun on with aunt in the pool.

How my little man wants to spend our quality time together.  We are teaching each other how to play chess.

Eating watermelon on Watermelon Street (this isn’t the name of our street, but I wish it was).  It tastes better if you’re not fully dressed.

Liam at Gymboree with his girl, Ava.

Taking full advantage of abundant cuddles with my bambino while the older kids are at school.

Watching these two dance partners tear it up on the kitchen floor.  The music almost never ceases in our house (except for nap time).

Waking up late on a Saturday morning to the sounds of my children playing on their new trampoline.

Doing whatever I have to do to get this boy to grin at me.  It is so worth the effort.

Weekend garage projects as a family.

The result of one such garage project was this PVC pipe bike rack.

Living imperfectly with this credo.  Accepting and embracing our/my imperfections as a part of what gives us wisdom, authenticity, and genuineness.

PicMonkey Collage09-09-14

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