Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Soapy Mess

On Sunday, when Gabe was in time-out, he managed to get revenge on me for his punishment. Gabe's time-outs are always in the downstairs bathroom, because sitting in a corner never made much sense to him. During this time, Gabe decided to go into the bathroom shower, pump out about a full cup of my Jason liquid body wash, and proceed to massage it all over himself. This was all occurring unbeknownst to me, as I was just happy to get a minute sans his misbehavior and whining. Isabella is known for her sixth sense for finding messes wherever they are, and she crawled over to join him in the shower for their soap-fest. All of this occurred within a five minute window, during which time I was so happy to hear Gabe and Bella giggling and seeming to be playing together nicely. I was reluctant to check on them and ruin the moment. I should have known better. This is what was waiting for me when I returned:
So, naturally, I moved the body wash, feeling smug in a lesson learned. The next day, when Gabe was sent to time-out, I thought surely I was in the clear. I was surprised to hear Isabella shriek soon after she approached the outside of the bathroom door. BUBBLES... yet another form of liquid soap... this time poured all over her head and eyes! I peeked inside the bathroom and the floor was liberally coated in the entirity of a 16 oz. bottle of bubble fluid. Gabe couldn't walk across the floor without slipping and falling with every step. It was just one of those many moments in which I find myself torn between whether to laugh or cry.


Jean said...

Thanks for sharing the story. It sounds like Gabe is still determined to accomplish what he sets out to do.

Miss you guys,

Jean (TCH)

Chrissy Edwards said...

Hahahaha!! Go Gabe! :)

Unknown said...

Bahahahahah! I wish that I was there to see that.

Tara said...

Wow, Owen just did the exact same thing to me the other day. The only difference was that I was the one that slipped in it and I ended up with a bruise the size of a baseball on my hip. Oh, the joys of motherhood!