Thursday, December 9, 2010

Height Right

Ari’s new Special Tomato Height Right Chair finally came in last month.  She had really outgrown her other Special Tomato chair, and the tops of her legs were getting squished between the seat and the table.  This chair offers less support in the sides but it makes up for it with a foot rest that allows her to stabilize using her legs.  Her feet also have foot cups with Velcro straps that prevent her legs from kicking out and going into extension.  It is completely adjustable and grows with her as she gets taller, accommodating even a full grown adult.  She loves how this chair brings her right up to the table, and I love how she has to work her trunk muscles and has much more range of motions of her arms when she’s in it compared to the old chair.

Ari has also been doing an awesome job communicating on her augmentative communication device.  We adopted a new teaching strategy which introduces one new word at a time, so she gets familiar with the location (on the board) and the context of each word before she moves onto the next one.

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