Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Little Slugger

After nearly five years of putting off organized sports, citing literature that kids this age just aren’t ready for that kind of thing (if only to conceal my true intentions of holding on for dear life to my sacred Saturday mornings), I finally caved in and signed Gabe up for T-ball.  What I found was that Gabe is ready for anything, including team sports, if by ready we mean… willing to try anything, full of energy and enthusiasm, a true rule-stickler at heart, eager to make friends, wanting desperately to be as strong and as fast in real life as he is in his imagination, uber-focused, and a kid who just wants to have fun wherever he goes.  If that’s what it takes to be ready, then I have to admit that he was probably ready months, maybe years ago. 

Do the boys run at the right times, throw to the right places, or have anything other than a general clue what they are doing?  Nope.  Do they have a blast with their buddies in the fresh sixty-five degree weather, being active, learning about teamwork and sportsmanship, and entertaining the heck out of us all the while?  Yep.  So, I guess what I’m saying is that it turns out I actually love spending my Saturday mornings this way (at least for the time being)!

And their team name is the Little Sluggers. 

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Gabe takes himself very seriously out there!

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Snacks and juice boxes might just be the highest highlight of the whole event each week.

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