Sunday, April 22, 2012

Soccer Stud

Gabe’s T-ball season came to an end about a month ago, so we decided to let him try soccer since one of his school buddies wanted to do it with him.  He claims to love it so far, even though I can see that it sometimes gets to be a lot of running for him.  Gabe asked me the other day if he could score a goal during play (they all take turns scoring at half-time), and I replied perhaps a little enthusiastically, “Of course!  You just need to get in there and take the ball away from the other kids with your feet!”  Gabe was a little taken aback by my answer, and instructed me that swiping the ball away isn’t nice!  We haven’t made it to a weekday practice yet, since they’ve all been on Thursday afternoons during my class time, and while he could probably use the extra skill building, we will just let him do his thing (and that thing seems to be just to have fun) for now :).

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