Friday, June 29, 2012

Dance Recital

Isabella Juliet made her stage debut a couple weeks ago when she had her first dance recital.  She had been anticipating this day since we started dance last summer, and I think it was everything she’d hoped it would be and more.  Bella got to wear a “Belle dress” and do her tap number to “Be Our Guest” from the Beauty and the Beast soundtrack.  She was enchanted with the idea of wearing makeup and earrings and having a “big bun” (which took me forever to do and even longer to learn).  Family on both sides came to watch her perform, and she impressed all of us with her stage presence and confidence.  Friends on both sides of her in line copied her moves (even when they were totally off… hahahaha) because girlfriend knew how to make it look good.  Bella proudly informed me that spent her time backstage diligently observing the big girls while they practiced.  She came home with a new set of sexy moves that didn’t at all resemble the shuffle step she’d been practicing in class ;).

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Way to work it on the red carpet baby!

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1 comment:

T said...

Way to go Bella - You totally rocked the red carpet! I am loving the new outfit, hair and makeup too!

I am sure you are the * of the show.